Chapter 4

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"Pebblewing!" Yowled Sedgehare, stomping into the medicine den. Pebblewing sighed and shook out his gray fur. That mangy she-cats always in my business. Cant she let me do my job? His brother, Owlstripe sits next to his mate Iceblossom who laid on a moss nest decorated with lavender and feathers. The golden she-cats stomach was round with kits that Pebblewing expected to come not for a while now. Sedgehare thought otherwise.

The dilute she looked to Pebblewings kin and fluffed up her fur.

"She's due in less than a moon! What are you doing?" Sedgehare looks at her apprentice who was pawing at the queens stomach.

"I don't think she is though." Pebblewing frowned, curling his ringed tail around his paws. Iceblossom cleared her throat and all eyes shot to her. She shuffled in the nest and sat up a bit taller. Owlstripe brushed his tail along the queens back for support.

"The kits aren't even moving yet, and I only found out them two moons ago. I think Pebblewing is right." She looked at the medicine apprentice who blinked thoughtfully at her back. She dipped her head as a 'your welcome' and looked up a t Owlstripe for help.

He sighed and turned to a baffled Sedgehare.

"We appreciate your help and all, but maybe just let Pebblewing do his job?" Sedgehare glared at Owlstripe threateningly.

"It seems that your younger brother knows best, Owlstripe." She sneered, lashing her dilute tail. Pebblewing sighed a breath of relief as Iceblossom began to sit up. He quickly went to her aid and helped her up. The golden queen touched noses with him and trotted out of the medicine den with Owlstripe following behind. Once the couple left, Sedgehare finally blew up at her apprentice. Pebblewing was used to it by now. Sedgehare wasn't a good medicine cat. At. All.

When Pebblewing was a kit, instead of giving him catmint for green cough she gave him parsley. How she could mess that up he didn't know, but afterwards  Spokenstar was eager to find an apprentice that would to better than her. The medicine cats are supposed to be the best at their job because that's what Silverclan was meant for. The clans first medicine cat, Cranewind, found the Moonstone in the first place! Ever since then Silverclan was the first to know about everything. Prophecy's, upcoming storms, everything.

Sedgehare could only communicate with her mentor and a few relatives who could manage her annoying personality.

Pebblewing sighed, as the future of his clan depended on him and him only. Once he got his full name, Sedgehares connection with starclan was fading. He remembered the night he got his name. His mentor wasn't happy.

"Sedgehare?" The newly made medicine cat asked. The dilute she-cat leaned away from the Moonstone and twitched her nose in irritation.

"I just love my new name. Don't you?" Pebblewing tried to start a conversation with the other medicine cats, wondering if his mentor was ok. Frozenlake nodded in agreement. Shatteredwing puffed up his fur in pride, raising his head as he faced the young tom.

"I'm proud of you." He rasps. Pebblewings fur ripples in disgust but he keeps a thankful smile on his face to seem kind.

"What was it?" Sedgehare asks. Shatteredwing turned to her.

"You weren't there?"

"No." She answers softly.

"Guess they don't want you anymore." Shatteredwing sneered.

"-and that's why you'll never be good as me! Pebblewing? Pebblewing you toad! Stop ignoring me!" He turned back to Sedgehare who at this point looked like a bloated mouse. He chuckled softly to himself and pulled on a straight face.

"I apologize." He mews with a hint of sarcasm. The dilute medicine cat opens her muzzle to say something else but then Meadownose, the deputy and Segdehares sister, walks inside the medicine den. Her gaze shifts to her angry littermate and then
poor Pebblewing. He half smiles and lowers his head.

"Gatherings tomorrow night." She muttered quietly.

Sedgehare smooths her fur down and nods. "Thank you, sister." She mewed calmly.

Meadownose quickly turned away from the two and Sedgehare stumbled over to her nest.

"You can't sleep now, there might be other cats coming and-"

"You deal with it, little mr. Perfect." She hissed angrily. Pebblewing sighed, and turned to the herb pile. He picked up some moss and dipped it in a pool of water next to the herb pile. Turning around, he headed towards the elders den.

Oh Sedgehare. He thinks solemnly.

I cant wait until your dead.

I very much hate the face that I gave Pebblewing. It looks like he's trying to force an acorn out of his butt-hole while trying to have a conversation with the 'cool kids' and is failing at not embarrassing himself.

This insult just got really weird and personal.

Then we got Spokenstar looking like he's watching the two warriors like he has no friends and wished he had some. Smh, should have thought about that when you were stealing children from their homes even though the prophecy had nothing to do with you.

Iceblossom looks like she scares the heck out of Owlstripe since I made her twice as big as him. The look on his face gives me a "oh god these children are going to murder me" look.

The only thing I'm proud of here is Iceblossom and she's only in a few chapters.

Anyways, that's all for now. Next chapters coming out soon and so is the drawings for the other chapters.

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