My birthday!

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Asia's POV
When I woke up this morning I was very excited. I opened my door and peeked into mommy and daddy's room. They were still asleep. I frowned and walked back Into my room and closed the door.
Stampy's POV
We saw Asia close her door. We tip-toed down the stairs and invited Lee, Amy Lee, finball, squid, Rosie and craig. We slapped together the party and everyone arrived. We heard Asia coming downstairs. "HIDE!" I shouted quietly. Everybody hid.
Asia's POV
I sighed and walked into mommy and daddy's room. "Mommy da-" I stopped before I didn't realize they were not in their room. I walked downstairs to find a huge surprise. Where was everyone I asked myself. I clutched my stuffed animals and started to walk towards the kitchen when everyone jumped out.
Asia's POV
I was very excited. I ran up and hugged Amy, Lee, and squid and then mommy and daddy. We ate breakfast with the rest of the crew and had an awesome day.

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