I'm done 15 almost 16 years old

3 0 0

They picked on me in class

Spread rumors about me fast

Made sure I was always sad

Nothing I could do bout that

Now I sit here thinking

Bout how I begged for mercy

Slumped on my hands and knees

I'd cry and beg and plead

But it wasn't worth a thing

I'm gone gone gone

I'm done done done

Feeling all this agony

All the things they did to me

And I say

They'll pay


They always put me down

I only wanted to drown

Only expression a frown

5 seconds away from a breakdown

Didn't know my feelings inside

All the brutal thoughts I did hide

They thought I kept perfect form

But inside was a brutal storm

I couldn't help myself

In the end, I got expelled

Cause I took my shot

And I Finally fought

The kid that left me distraught

They said its an emergency

On the ground, he did bleed

I watched the sirens with glee

Knowing I did succeed

I'm gone

I'm done

Cuz all this pain

Helped me gain

The courage And they paid


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