Grade 5

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I'm not going to include the really bad stuff.

Grade 5 was the only class where i had Elisha not be in my class (yes she was always in my class) i was pretty upset by it but at least i had an amazing teacher, i guess my classroom wasn't that bad either but i didn't know most of the people in it so that was a bit of a nightmare for my introverted ass. I also think they mixed the year 5s and 6s together but i forgot.

I did move away in term 2 and i don't really remember much about what happened in term 1 but I do remember an incident or two. So in one of the playgrounds there would almost always be a slide blockage cause people would block the opening of the slide for no reason, and i used to love going down the slide when there was a blockage for some reason but one day when i went down the slide there was a HUGE blockage there was at least 5 or more people in the slide, it didn't take long for me to start freaking out (I'm claustrophobic) there were some people trying to calm me down and then i tried climbing over everyone just so i can get out and i hurt two people, i scraped a persons skin and i stepped on someone's face. Then i got in trouble and had to apologise to both of them. I think my claustrophobia became worse that day.

One time (thankfully this only happend once) when i was standing alone (i don't know why) Elisha was a bit far away from me so she didn't really see what happened (i don't think). Liam and his friends were coming over to me and they were carrying really big sticks and they started hitting me with them, then one of his friends ordered Liam to hold me and he did. But i got myself out of there and ran away, i think they got in trouble but I'm not sure, i hope they did tho lol.

Around this time COVID started to hit VIC really bad and VIC had to go in lockdown which i was really sad about because i wanted to spend as much time with my friends as possible but COVID ruined that, but i still called Elisha everyday and we always played Roblox together and we also went on one last sleepover together which was fun...well sort of. After that sleepover we still played a lot of Roblox and when we finally started to move (we were moving to QLD) we couldn't fly to QLD because we didn't have the money to so we had to drive all the way there and it took about 3 nights i think. When we saw our house i didn't really like it, it was really small and creaked a lot, i also had a lot of bad memories that happened in that house that i don't want to talk about. After we finally got internet i got Elisha's number and we continued to play a lot of Roblox together but we stopped playing for months but then we started playing a lot again and then stopped again, it was kinda an on and off thing.

My school life at first wasn't that bad, i had amazing friends and i even got a boyfriend a month or a few weeks later. (he was in my friend group) I don't really want to say their names tho. My ex has also done some bad things and not just to me either but he was a good friend before he did those things and a pretty good boyfriend as well but he did do something bad to me once, maybe even more but i can't remember. But everything went downhill because of me, i was being a bad friend without realising but i don't want to talk much about my old friend group in this book tho. Grade 5 was probably the worst year i ever had maybe, but i will talk more about why in the next book.

I think this is all i want to say, i thought i would've wrote a lot more tbh but there will be a lot more in the next book.

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