New Beginnings

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Eamon's POV:
It was a school night, why did this have to happen on a school night?! The rabbit tried to sooth herself, squeaking gently as she began to push. She looked around the room and fixed her eyes on Flopsy, who had his long ears draped over his eyes.  She almost seemed to glare at him as if to say "Look at me! "

Honestly I wish I could hide from the sight myself, I hated seeing the rabbits give birth. Some kids learned about how babies were made through the birds and the bees chat with their parents or talks in school but I learnt through rabbits.

I've always loved rabbits since I was six years old, my dad gave me Flopsy on my tenth birthday and ever since then my rabbit obsession only grew. When I first saw him he was so small and soft, I just wanted to hold him in my arms forever. He would be a very well behaved rabbit if only he wasn't such a playboy. He'd already got my other bunny Mopsy pregnant three times in the space of three years leading to the birth of Bugs, Lola and Peter.

I really didn't like watching Flopsy in pain during the birth but this time it was even harder because I knew that the new litter would have to be sent away. We could barely cope with five rabbits let alone six. I felt guilty about it but it has to be done. 

I petted Mopsy and tried to calm her down. She kept looking at Flopsy as if she was waiting for him to do something. "Don't mind him he's useless" I whispered to her softly.

"It'll all be okay" I reassured her. My mum came bursting in the door "Eamon go to bed! You have the junior cert in the morning." She said it sternly but her face softened when she saw Mopsy. "Is she okay?" She asked. "She'll be fine". Mam didn't want to admit it but I knew she had a soft spot for the rabbits. "I remember when I was in labour-" I  interrupted her before she could finish. "don't even finish that sentence!" I blurted out. 

She scoffed at me before petting Mopsy. "Good luck girl." Then she turned to me and said "as soon as that rabbits head is out you go straight there bed!"  "I will" I replied gratefully. She sat down on the side of my bed and fidgeted with her hair "Eamon I know you love rabbits but-"

"I know" I interrupted. "I'll find the babies somewhere to go" She looked a bit guilty but I didn't blame her. Things were very tough right now money wise especially now dad was gone. "Goodnight love" she said from the doorframe. "Night mam"

Then all of a sudden I saw a head. A little baby buck was now in the rabbit cage. The other bunnies went over to it very cautiously and it began to cry. Before long though Mopsy moved over to nurse it. The mother and baby together at last, Flopsy walked slowly over to Mopsy and started lying beside her.

I couldn't bare the thought that soon I'd break up that adorable little family. Looking at the love that Mopsy and Flopsy shared for the little Buck almost brought me to tears. I wonder if that's how my family used to look. 

I turned the lights out and crawled into bed. 

Bunny Love Y/N X EamonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora