Cause Rainbows Are Gay - One Shot

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Bakugo's POV:

'Ok class for the scavenger hunt thing, you will be given a little drawing done by Eri, to indicate what clue cards you're looking for. She is here to hand them out to you. You should already know the pairs you should be working in, if not they are in the sheet of paper at the back of the room.'

Mr Aizawa couldn't sound more disinterested if he tried.

This is a waste of fucking, but at least shitty hair is with me, so something eventful is bound to happen.

'Remember this is not a race, you will all be given different questions and riddles and stuff. Any questions before Eri hands out the little drawings she did?'

Aizawa looked around the room.

'Yes, Bakugo?'

'Why are you doing this?'

He asked his teacher.

'To build friendships.'

Aizawa sarcastically said.


Bakugo was not impressed.

'Honestly I have no idea why Nezu has asked you all to do this.'

Aizawa turned to Eri.

'You can start to hand them out now if you want.'


Eri said rushing over to the pair of students closest to her to hand them their picture. She sorted through the pictures she had until she found one she liked, and handed it to the group before moving on to the next pair. After being given their little picture the groups would move off to go and find their first clue. Then where was only two pairs left Uraraka and Jiro, and Kirishima and Bakugo.

'Here you go.'

Eri said, handing Uraraka a picture of a unicorn.

'A unicorn, just like you, thanks Eri.'

Jiro said looking over to see the little piece of paper Uraraka was holding.

'Yeah, I have a horn just like a unicorn.'

Eri said happily as she walked over to give the final picture to Kirishima and Bakugo.

'You do, don't you.'

Jiro said.


Eri said handing the final picture she had drawn to Bakugo.


Bakugo looked down at the young child.


Eri asked.

'Why do we have a rainbow?'

Bakugo asked her. Uraraka began to walk away until she felt a slight tung on the shirt.

'Don't go, I want to hear her answer.'

Jiro whispered to her. Eri looked straight up at Bakugo.

'Cause rainbows are gay.'

She said dead seriously. Uraraka and Jiro burst out laughing, even Aziawa was trying to hold back laughter.

'Doing god's work Eri, thank you.'

Jiro laughed as the two girls walked out the classroom.

What the fuck just happened.

As Kirishima and Bakugo found their first clue tied to a tree, they heard a voice behind them.

Cause Rainbows Are Gay - Kiribaku One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now