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"Autumn hurry up" my mommy calls from the car. My six year old self slowly walks to the car, glancing back ever so often to try to wrap my head around the fact we were moving. Mommy say we are going to say we are going to a magical place called Chicago, when I asked why she said the Wolves from the stories are coming after us. I'm going to miss this place.

"Oh, wait" My mom started heading back inside, I'm guessing she forgot something. I stood on my tippy toes to reach the door handle of the car, when I heard something rustling in the bushes right outside the woods.

Being six my curiosity over safety variation hadn't quite matured. I slowly started to the bush, I glanced over my shoulder to make sure mom hadn't come back out.

When I was a about foot away, something pricked inside me like a sense of danger. Though I couldn't go back it sounded silly even for my age but, it was like it was calling me. I stared at it an when I was about to turn around, a oversized dog popped its head out, it was pitch black and mortally terrifying. It looked down at me and growled menacingly , but instead of me shaking an peeing myself in fear, my reaction even shocked me. I got down on my hands and knees looking up into it's eye, and growled back.

It was shocked by my reaction, and stared down at me its eyes swirling with emotion. I started to smile, but was cut off by the sound of my worried mother "Autumn, where are you" she called I heard the frantic mommy senses in her voice. I looked back to see her head slashing around frantically searching for me. When I looked back to where the big doggy once was, there was nothing.

"Coming" I yelled. I got and swirled around to head for the car. I stopped abruptly to look back the Dog still wasn't there but I could feel it watching me. Two large paw prints were in the ground were it once stood, I couldn't resist placing my hand in before I darted back to my mother.

"Where were you sweet heart" she asked, "umm..." I thought of a lie, ( yes I'm starting early) "I thought I saw a bunny, but it ran away" I quickly added, looking back to were it had stood. She followed my eyes before saying "They could have gotten you" she said placing me in the car.

I could have sworn as she did that I heard a whimper from in the woods, it must've been me because my mom didn't even turn around.

As I got older that's been one of the only things I've been able to remember from that place, but even that, I blame on my wild imagination.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2015 ⏰

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