★Chapter 1: "Where am i?"★

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{✰~Kokichi's P.O.V~✰}

I woke up on the floor of a building i've never seen before.

I immediately got up off the floor, only to get a dizzy spell and fall back down on the floor

I looked around the room, it looked like a classroom

Then out of the corner of my eye i saw a boy with metal body parts and he was standing in a corner of the room, observing the Vines covering the metal plate covered windows.

I managed to stand up and walked over to him and tapped him on the shoulder

"oh uhm Hello there i see your finally awake!" The boy flashed me a kind smile at me after saying that

"Where are we? and why are the windows covered with metal plates?"

"I have No idea where we are, and the Metal plates on the windows? i don't know that either"

"Oh i guess we should introduce ourselves"

"Uhm ok i-im Kokichi Ouma"

"Im K-1-B-O but you can call me Kiibo"

then Kiibo went back to investigating

i decided to join him in investigating the windows and the vines covering the windows and the classroom, just to see if there was anything useful that we could use to get those metal plates on the windows to come off.

I decided to search outside the classroom and into the hallway and thats when i saw it

i saw a big robot and on the side it read E.X.I.S.A.L

Kiibo ran outside and grabbed my hand, i flinched bc of my scars

and we ran away from the robot, we kept running until we reached the doors labeled "GYM", the Exisal was right behind us at this point

so Kiibo gripped my hand and pushed open the gym doors

as the doors opened i saw exactly 12 teenagers standing around the gym

Then i heard a green-Haired boy say

{???}: "That makes 14 of us"

Not long afterwards a boy and a girl came running in the gym

{???}:Now theres 16 of us

{???}:"What do we do now"

{???}:"Are There any more People coming?"

{???}:"No, i dont think so if this is what i think this is anyway"

{???}:"What do you mean?"

Then if out of a movie, the robots that were chasing us appered right infront of us


The Exisals were talking

{✰~3rd Person P.O.V~✰}

The Exisals suddenly powered off and then 5 Two-sided colored bears Jumped out of the Exisals

They Called themselves the Mono-Kubs and they went on to explain our situation and why there were metal plates covering the windows

Then The Lovely Monokuma appered and explained the killing game and all that stuff

And then he went on to explain that the 16 students would be staying here until there were 2 Spotless students and 1 Blackend Killer

And then he went on to explain the class trials and the executions

{✰~Back to Kokichi P.O.V~✰}

I felt like i was gonna puke from Pressure and Disgust

I couldn't believe the situation i had been forced into

I knew i wouldn't be able to make friends and i knew that once i tryed talking to any of these people i was stuck with i would be an outcast

so i went out of my way to avoid all of them in an instant

i just couldnt go out like i went in my past

Word Count: 576

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2022 ⏰

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