Chapter 6

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"Oh my god! I love the state fair!" He laughs at me while unbuckling himself.

"I thought you would." We both get out of the car and start heading to the front gate. I'm carrying my purse and wearing a huge smile. This is going to be fun. And I truly need this.

We get to the gate to meet an older man with glasses.

"10 bucks per person." I start to get my money out, but Max stops me.

"Don't worry about it. I got it."

"No it's okay. I got it."

"No. It's the least I can do for you." He hands the man $20 before I can react. The guy at the ticket booth gave us each stamps so they know we paid. As soon as we were out of earshot I smack Max on the shoulder.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"For paying for me. I could have paid for myself."

"I'm sorry. But I always pay for beautiful girls."

"Wow. Smooth." We both laugh and start looking around at all of the attractions.

"So what do you wanna do first?"

"Well, I was thinking about the water attractions like White Water."

"We just got here and you already want to get wet?"

"Yep, let's go!" I grab his arm and start walking towards the line for White Water. We're in line behind two parents and two little boys. I'm guessing they were around 7 or 8 years old.

"But mom, I want cotton candy."

"We'll get you cotton candy after this ride. Carson got to pick the next ride and this is what he chose."

"But I don't want to ride this! I want cotton candy!" This went on and on until the parents gave up and got him his cotton candy. Max and I were trying really hard not to laugh.

We finally got to the front of the line and was taken to the ride. Seated and ready to go, the the carny starts the ride. Splashes of water hit us as we went up a hill and a curve. The big drop was coming up and I was ready for it I looked over at Max to see him smiling and staring at me. I was about to ask him why he was looking at me but we dropped fast and hard. The water came in a wave and splashed both Max and I. We didn't realize that we were sitting in the super splash seats. The ride stopped and everyone exited. Max and I were laughing, knowing that we were totally soaked.

"And that's why I usually do water rides, later."

"I'm sorry. But since we are completely soaked, how about we walk around a bit?"

"Sure let's go." We walk into a the 4-H building. Photographs, quilts, ceramics, inventions, and so many ribbons to be seen.

"These are really cool. I wish I was this creative."

"Actually it's not that hard."

"How do you know?" He cocked his head at me with a questioning look.

"I was in 4-H when I was little."

"Really? I guess I do see you as the creative type. What did you make?"

"Um. Just the normal stuff like quilts and photographs."

"That's really cool." Laughing I nod my head.

"Thanks." He smiles at me and walks over to the rows of photographs.

"These are really cool Winter. Did you take photos like these?"

"Yeah. I took a lot of nature photos. They remind me that...even though our world is full of horrible people...there are some beautiful sights to be seen, you just have to look for them." A tear slipped down my cheek and fell to the ground. Max touches my arm and brings me back into reality.

"Those are words to live by. Come on let's go wander around a bit more." He grabs my hand and starts walking to the exit. He never let go of my hand. He just kept it there. But it's not the same, it's not Bryan's.


Sooooo that wraps up Chapter 6. Hope you liked it. Sorry it took me so long to update, just really hectic with school getting out soon.

Anyways, do you think Winter will ever get over Bryan? Or will she wallow in her tears? Comment what you thought of this chapter and the answer to those questions. I love all of you and hope that your day was fabulous!

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