Bonafide Love

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I don't understand it. I mean, I do, but I don't. For a boat to float on water, yet I manage to sink? It amazes me really, but a mindfuck nonetheless. Some science concept about buoyancy and what not. I never quite excelled in stem related subjects, but it didn't make it any less interesting to me. I tend to spend most of my days fixing these things, but, one day I'll own one of them for sure.

Currently this rich guy is having some boat trouble and I was happy to help. The job paid enough to help me advance two months on rent and it wasn't anything super complicated, so I figured why not. The boat was anchored by the dock in his backyard, yeah he has that type of money. So I spent most of my days working on it at his home. It wasn't anything too serious, just a broken bilge pump and a few cabin leaks here and there. Nothing that should take me any longer than a few weeks to fix really.

By week two it was like the perfect cliche happened. I'm sitting on the dock, cranking up some last minute changes when this gorgeous girl walks up offering me a beer. She's sporting this beautiful, yellow, daisy sundress which pops against her deep brown skin. It's golden hour right now and as the sun radiates off her frame, she gives off this ethereal like glow and I have to force myself to keep calm.

"Something to help cool you off during this Florida heat," she offers, handing me a beer along with a few towels to catch the sweat droplets cascading down my forehead.

I detect a bit of an accent, but I can't quite place it. Hell, I'm not even sure if I heard it, but all I know is that I want her to speak again. My eyes travel further south to the way that her perfect, round, breasts spill out of the top of her sundress ever so slightly. Just enough to get a taste. Dragging my arm across my forehead, I find myself sweaty for a different reason entirely, as I try to get one last peak in before she notices.

"Thanks! Ten more minutes in this blazing heat and you would've been passing me off to an EMT," I joke.

And then I hear it. The most contagious fucking laugh. It's not high pitched and squeaky or anything like that, but there's a light airiness to it. I take advantage of this ladys' distraction to continue eye fucking her as I finally take in the rest of her body. Her waist dips into a slight curve which then broadens out around her hips and even from the front I can see that her ass is fat. My breath hitches in sheer appreciation and I figure I better say something quick before I get caught lacking, only she beats me to it.

"Well I'm glad that didn't happen. If the heat ever gets too intense please do not hesitate to come inside." Yeah, I'd like to come inside alright.

"Thank you for the offer, but I'm finishing up for the evening anyway," I answered. "Although, I'm not sure we've met, I'm Frank. I would shake your hand, but mine is a bit dirty."

"It's okay, how about when you're finished you come inside for a proper introduction then," she urged.

Now I dont know what kind of hospitality they practice in wherever the fuck she's from, but my dick just twitched at the possibilities. Shit, get it together Frank. Still, I can't place that accent. Is it from Guyana? Turks and Caicos maybe? I'm not too sure, but it's from somewhere warm I'm positive. Maybe she can tell me now or later on when she's stuffed full of me, the choice is hers really.

"I will take you up on that, but for now I'd like to finish up as much as I can while I still have a bit of natural light." I say, gesturing my head toward the sky.

I catch it before it's gone, but she gives the cutest little pout and I give a quick smirk cause fuck I feel estatic that she senses this attraction too.

"Oh yes, I'm sorry to keep you distracted," she apologizes.

"Oh, it's a distraction I'm willing to keep," I joke.
And then she does it again, that cute chuckle. Is it too early to be in love?

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