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Inside the chairman's office on the top floor of the Dragon Walk Entertainment Building.

    Zhao Jianhua angrily smashed a stack of documents, the solid wood desk made a dull loud noise, and the papers fell on the ground.

    "Jiang Liushen is messing around! Whoever is not good at signing has to sign the kid named Xia!"

    "Dad, don't be angry, let's think about countermeasures." Zhao Cheng comforted.

    Zhao Jianhua paced irritably, his mind was in a mess, the more he thought about it, the more anxious he became.

    This time the plan was originally perfect. It could not only kick Long Jing, who wanted to take Long Xing as his own, but also destroy the most popular but unconvincing newcomer, Xia Xiai, and cultivate obedient and sensible newcomers in his company. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone. And he did not leave any trace of his participation in the whole process. The report call was made by his son Zhao Cheng from a public phone. Of course, his son would not betray him. It was You Qing who called Xia Xiai to the scene. Even if You Qing noticed something, in order to stay in Longxing, he would not leak it out.

    The most important thing is that Xia Xiai has just terminated the contract and has not yet found a backer. If this happened, no company would be willing to accept him again, let alone help him with public relations. He is a newcomer who has just entered the entertainment industry and has no power. How can he have room to fight back?

    However, Zhao Jianhua calculated everything, but he didn't calculate that Xia Xiai's new owner not only didn't abandon him, but he was so big.

    "Don't talk about thinking about countermeasures, I'm afraid of what Jiang Liushen will find out now." Zhao Jianhua's heart hangs in his throat, "Since he dares to sign Xia Xiai, it means that he is confident that he will be able to clean up, maybe all the evidence has been collected. You went to the club that day and were not seen? What if you got in there!"

    Zhao Cheng recalled for a while: "Xia Xiai glanced at me, but probably didn't recognize me, after all, we have never met. "

    That's good... hey! The company Dad worked so hard to set up was originally meant to be left to you. That woman surnamed Long was messing around, and she finally got rid of her. Who knows that another big trouble will come, Wan Wan Yijiangliu investigates me deeply, and turns his anger to Longxing, then it's really over..."

    "Dad, the drug use thing is indeed a bureau set up by us. There is no actual evidence. Sooner or later, Xia Xiai will be able to clarify and turn around, but it is only a little earlier. But what he has done before is well-founded."

    Zhao Jianhua paused. : "You mean...?"

    "Yes." Zhao Cheng's eyes flashed a hint of evil, "Fighting and dropping out of school, hanging out in a speakeasy, maybe even accompany a guest, no matter which one comes out, it's enough to destroy him, I don't believe it. In front of these real hammers, he can continue to mix in this circle!"

    Zhao Jianhua's eyes lit up, but he hesitated: "Long Jing knows these materials clearly, she has been suppressed before, where can we find evidence?"

    "Don't worry, Dad, wasn't the owner of the bar where he worked part-time arrested? I'll go for a walk, and I'll definitely be able to pry it out if I give some favors. The school has probably left a file, so let me handle it all.

    Zhao Jianhua finally smiled: "As expected of my son, capable!" Zhao

    Cheng was quite proud: "Longxing will be mine in the future, and I will not let anyone take it away. Even if Jiang Liushen is capable, this time I have to admit it!"

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