The necklace

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"Daddy, where did mom get the necklace she always wears?"

Félix smiled when his eldest daughter approached him with those big teary eyes that always reminded him of his beloved wife. He laughed and carefully lifted the girl to sit her on his lap and kissed her cheek, which made her giggle.

"Well, you see princess, I got it for her on a Christmas day, many years ago" he said "She loved it so much and decided not to take it off since then. The end"

"Papá!! That can't be it!" the girl frowned "you have to tell me the story correctly!"

Félix laughed again as little Farina pouted and crossed her tiny arms. At that moment, she was Julieta's living image and he couldn't be more proud. He has never been able to say no to any of her girls, so he rolled his eyes fondly and pinched her cheek before he spoke again.

"Alright, let's start with the beginning" he said "I was friends with your mother since we were children"

"Like my sisters?"

"Like you and your sister" he said, reminding her she was still a kid "So, we were friends since then and we both lived back in Encanto, so I knew her family too"

"That was when Mrs. Alma still liked you?" Farina interrupted again

"Yes, she still liked me back then" he laughed.

It was hard to tell a story when your public was interrupting with questions after every phrase you said, but he loved his little princess, so he remained patient and never asked her to stop asking things. After all, he knew that Farina was only asking it because she was the only one who could already talk, but as soon as Dolores and Isabela grow, he was sure they'd start asking too and he couldn't blame them. Encanto and all the Madrigal family were a mystery to them.

"So, you were children and it was Christmas" Farina said

"No, no" Felix shook his head "I said we knew each other since we were children. So I grew up knowing how your mother's life was like in the Madrigal house"

"Was it bad?" she asked, worried for her mother

"It was...hard"

His daughter paid more attention to that, eager to know more about her mother's life back in that mythical place she only knew from stories. Felix smiled and could finally start his story without interruptions. The memories came to him with every word that came out of his mouth.


"Felix! Give me that!"

The boy laughed as he escaped from his best friend's arms and ran around the table. He knew some people were watching and judging him, but he didn't care. All that mattered to him was that Julieta was smiling.

He always knew that despite how magical their gifts might sound, the Madrigal triplets always had the hardest life in town. They were responsible, from such a young age, for taking care of almost everything, at least the important aspects. Bruno was always pressured to have visions in order to assure the Encanto was safe and wouldn't have an attack soon, Pepa was in charge of the weather, always having to feel the right emotion to make the crops grow (he really felt bad for her). But he also knew that his best friend was the one who had it worst.

Julieta could heal with her food, a gift meant to be used in case of emergencies where doctors couldn't help, but the thing was that the townspeople started abusing her gift even more than her siblings'. Every time someone got hurt, they would go to the oldest triplet, no matter if it was just a little scratch, they would demand a meal from her. She was often working until late to make sure she had everything ready for the next day and would wake up earlier than anyone in Encanto, even earlier than the sun. She was also often called in the middle of the night, meaning she couldn't even rest well in those few free hours.

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