🩹Nightmare!Sans X Reader🩹

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Art above is not mine,

I'm goin' un poco loco (as the kids say)

TLDR; Nightmare loves you, so he does the logical thing and kidnaps you, and you're high key into it but like in a scared way



I feel the world fade in from a deep black as I wake up, I can't remember what happened before I passed out, but I know my head hurts. I feel a cold smooth feeling of silk, high quality sheets underneath me as I hear a breeze ruffle through the room. 

My wrists and ankles feel heavy, I try to move my arm but fail as I hear a chink of metal snapping. I open my eyes and see my wrists and ankles bound to the bed I laid on with hard metal chains, it was uncomfortable the way the metal rubbed on my bare skin leaving harsh bruises from how tight they were.

I stop my attempts to move as they only hurt me rather than helped me. Taking in my surroundings, I see I'm lying on a large king size bed, it had midnight purple color sheets. It was very soft, as if made for royalty. 

The dim moon light painted the room with a dream-like hue. The walls looked to be made of stone, decorated with various paintings and vintage items, a tapestry hung from the wall above what looked like the door to the room, the tapestry showed an apple tree with one side showing a sun while the other had a moon. It was hard to make out the sun side of it, it seemed to have rips and tears all along that side, as if someone did it out of pure rage.

While focusing on my surroundings, I begin to hear sounds beyond the howls of the wind blowing through the open window, it sounded like arguing. I couldn't make out any of the words as they were too far away, but it seemed to be coming from somewhere outside the door to the room, maybe down a hall or in a room nearby. After a little straining to try and hear better, with no use, there was a loud crash and an even louder yell, this time I could make it out,

"...AND THAT IS FINAL." It was authoritative,

cold, and clear. I don't hear anything for a second after that, but to be honest, if I were on the receiving end of that yell, I wouldn't say anything as well.

I am doing pretty well on not panicking in this situation, that is, until I heard footsteps stomping over and stopping just outside the door to the room. Was I going to meet my kidnapper? What were they going to do? Were they going to treat me the same way they treated the other in that argument? 

A million thoughts ran through my head as I tried to predict what was going to happen, all stopping abruptly as the door opened with a creak and fear overcame my body. I feel tears begin to weld up in my eyes as I tried to conjure up any courage to look over at the person, but my body just won't let me. I keep my eyes tightly shut.

I hear the door shut and footsteps quietly walk over to beside the bed and feel a dip as the bed shifted to the weight of a new body. I hear a deep sigh escape the person as I soon felt a hand brush against my cheek, I instinctively flinch, the person gave a low chuckled at my reaction.

"Oh, my queen, no need to be afraid,~" his voice was cold,

it had the sense of teasing to it as he wiped a tear from my eye,

"I could never disfigure such a beautiful body.." his words were laced with sincerity,

but the way he said specified only 'disfiguring' my body brought a tremble of utter terror throughout my soul.

"I've always wanted to see your beautiful eyes up close, could you open them for me?~" he spoke with a mock pleading tone, 

I tried my best to fight my body and open my eyes, I didn't know how unhinged this guy was just yet and didn't want to find out by not following his orders.

I open my eyes successfully; my vision was blurred with tears but after blinking a few times it cleared up a little. I feel the side of my face get cupped by his hand and he moved my face to face his own, he was doing it forcefully, but was gentle enough to not hurt me in any way.

He was a skeleton monster, but he seemed different from normal monsters, he was covered head to toe in a dark goop. He had a smile that made my skin crawl uncomfortably, it was almost crazed, attempting to seem gentle, but his eye was filled with sick ardor. I would be lying if I said he weren't attractive. 

He chuckled once again; the sound made me shift in my spot on the bed, tugging lightly against the restraints and trying to calm myself with breathes. Why am I here? Why would he do this? Who even is he? Was this premeditated or what? I get pulled out of thoughts as he began to speak in a quiet voice,

"Y/N," yeah this was premeditated,

"I do not expect you to know me, my name is Nightmare, King of Nightmares" he said the 'King of Nightmares' part with a small charm in his tone,

as if it were something he were happy to repeat, he sounded proud of that title,

"You, my dear, are going to be my Queen of Nightmares." He had the same authoritative tone he had when he yelled before when he spoke these words, 

as if I didn't get a choice in this, which, was entirely true, I don't think me declining this title would do anything other than make him angry. 

I nodded in understanding and his unsettling grin grew wide in amusement mixed joy. He leans down and kisses my cheek; I don't have to stop myself from cringing as I felt his kiss linger a tingling feeling that as he moved away, I immediately missed. 

I don't understand why, but I needed more of this Nightmare's affection, it felt good, it felt like a craving, once I got it, I felt as if I would do anything for more. I would tear down every star for it, I would reverse the oceans tides and currents for more, I would.. I would.. I would skin a man alive for it. Though just as that craving came, it washed away, as if I never felt that in the first place, was that his magic doing something to me? Making me feel something- no, everything he felt towards me?

Maybe if he were willing to do all those things for me, I should at least give him a chance, he probably only tied me here because he was afraid of losing me. Yeah, that's it.

I felt the chains break as he had large tentacles from his back snapping them like twigs, after he was done, he laid down beside me and wrapped his arms and tentacles around me, holding me close to his chest as he let out a sigh. I dig my head into his shoulder and nuzzle close, I was his and he was mine. He knew that I wasn't going to try and escape any more.


1239 words,

Nightmare used emotion magic to manipulate you, 

haha L


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