Chapter 9

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I went to my room afterwards and took out my tablet.

Peppi sent me a message.

Midnight_Peppi: Soooooooo... how was your talk? Did he walk you back home? 

I rolled my eyes. Of course she would ask about that.

NellatheNerd: Why are you so curious about it? -_-

Midnight_Peppi: Aw c'mon, we both know u hv a huge crush on Caleb. Those fangurls are gonna get him first if u dun confess!!

NellatheNerd: -_-

Midnight_Peppi: Dun dodge the question~!

NellatheNerd: It was fine. He did walk me back. We had ice cream together. That's all.

Midnight_Peppi: R u sureeeeeee???

NellatheNerd: Jeez Peppi, It's not like it's a date! We barely know each other!!

Midnight_Peppi: Jeez fine... Anyways what did you guys talk about?

I remembered that I can't tell her.

NellatheNerd: Nothing special. He asked me if I was doing okay.

Midnight_Peppi: And he had to do it in private??? Sus.

NellatheNerd: PEPPI!!!!!!!!

Midnight_Peppi: (smirk face)(smirk face) Anyways, wanna play Roblox or Minecraft?  My parents are out.

NellatheNerd: Sure.

The video games calmed my nerves, but I couldn't stop thinking about what Caleb said. Could it be the reason my father left?

No, I thought. No, he is too selfish to care about me.

But that could be the reason, A voice in my head said.

He left without telling you anything. He's a heartless person, another voice said.

Shut up, I told them.

That conversation only raised a lot of questions for me. 

And I need answers. Answers that can wash away my worries.


"What!?" Caleb exclaimed as I told him what I wanted. "Are you mad?"

"Maybe," I shrugged.

"Nella, I barely know you. I can't just bring you to my house. My parents will go nuts!" Caleb said.

"What, are they going to think I'm your secret girlfriend?" I nearly choked on the word 'girlfriend'. "I just want more info."

"Well, Allison will go crazy."

"Who the fuck cares about that bitch?"

"Who knows what she would do? She could hurt you if she thinks we're 'secretly' dating!"

"Well, I don't fucking care. I need more information about this... power."

Caleb sighed. I locked my eyes with him. That should convince him. Hopefully.

After a long stare, Caleb sigh heavily again.

"Fine, but don't blame me if my parents hate you."

"Fair enough."

Peppi stared at us with a smug look.


"C'mon, I'm just protecting you from those fangirls who is now glaring at you," Peppi jerked her head to the other side. It was true. A bunch of girls was glaring daggers at me.

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