What Comes Next

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Etheria never looked more beautiful.

At least that's what Adora thought as she and Catra just walked around the grassy plains of what had once been the scene of a final battle of good vs evil. Where She-Ra in her magnificent light, struck down the false god Horde Prime and restored magic to the world and defeated his tyranny for not just his world, but all worlds. It was an odd sight to see, former Horde and Rebellion all gathered or gathering in one place to celebrate.

The War was over.

It seemed like a wild dream, for not only four years ago Adora was a simple soldier in the Horde, trained by Shadow Weaver to become a mere weapon for its conquest. Then to find a magical sword She-Ra, thinking she was a hero, only to find she was a tool for another ancient Empire known as the First One's. Then she met Horde Prime, probably the greatest evil the universe had ever known. Every day seemed like it would be the last, like it was the end of her life, her friends life, and any hope of happiness would be gone forever.

Now, everything seemed possible, every reality, every possible future. A chance at a future, not death in the midst of battle.

So much of it seemed so unreal that Adora couldn't believe it, but it was real, every second of it was real.

By her side, Adora would never imagine that she would have Catra right there, holding her hand, a feeling of love beyond all things. It was a life she never expected to have, a fresh start. Something beyond war, fighting and being the hero. Finally she was being loved just as much as she loved back, and it felt wonderful.

Also joining them were Bow and Glimmer, her two greatest friends, all four of them just joining the celebrations as they walked around, taking in the sight of happiness and positivity. It almost felt too fake to be real, yet here they were. Alive, and victorious.

"So...What comes next?" Adora said, causing everyone to stop in their tracks.

"What do you mean?" Catra asked, smirking.

Adora shrugged, "I mean, what comes next, we won, yet...What do we do now"

"We restore magic to the universe that's what" Glimmer said looking excited.

Adora nodded, "Yeah but uh...what about Etheria first"

While there was celebration there was also a lot of change, Etheria was now a land where the magic had been completely restored. Where once stood a battlefield now was a grassy green plain. Rainbows were over the sky. However there were also giant aliens all around them. Symbols of Horde Prime's invasion of Etheria. Not only that but the clones, his so called Brothers, though in reality more like slaves were all wondering around, looking confused, and unsure what to do. All of them are now free from the Hive Mind of Prime.

Plus what about the members of the Horde who weren't clones. Fellow soldiers like Lonnie, Kyle and Rogelio. Force Captains like Grizzlore, Cobalt, Octavia. Those Etherians who had joiend Hordak and the Horde to fight the princesses for there own reasons. They were not Hive Mind Clones, but actual people, individuals with goals and

"Oooh I can see what you mean" Catra said, probably noticing what Adora was getting on about.

"Yeah, we're gonna have a lot of work here first before we can think about going out into space"

Glimmer sighed, "Dang it...You're right? I haven't even been to Brightmoon since we got back, who knows how much Damage Prime's done to the place"

"Not to mention all the villages and stuff attacked by the Horde" Bow continued.

Catra looked down closing in to herself, "Yeah...Not to mention all the stuff I did"

"Hey, don't worry" Adora put her arm around Catra, "People will forgive you, just show them the real you, and they'll see the Catra i see"

Catra gave a faint smile, " I guess"

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