Peace at Last

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Glimmer was unsure just what to say when she summoned the other princesses. Oh sure some of them knew part of the story. At least the ones who weren't chipped. Catra had switched sides, that would be an easy one. But what about Hordak, or Entrapta, not to mention what they would do if they found any other Etheria Horde soldiers, what was going on. How was the new world order going to form? All of it kinda sounded scary.

The young queen who beamed to Horde Prime's ship was a changed person.

No longer did Glimmer want a grand victory parade against the Horde, no longer did she want Hordak or Catra on their knees begging for mercy. No longer did she see the war ending as something to be considered a big gloating fest. Now, all she wanted was peace. No more fighting, no more bad feelings toward anyone anymore.

Plus, it was odd to think that Catra, someone who she hated once upon a time more than anyone she could ever muster, was probably now one of her closet friends. Someone she felt...A kinship with, a mutual understanding. Especially considering that they had to suffer together on Horde Prime's main strip.

Pacing around she was happy that Bow was by her side, it gave her comfort that despite so much hurt and pain he was still her friend. Perhaps even more. Although in many ways he was always more, at least to her. Though right now she had no time for romance. It was time to put on her Queen face. Speaking of which, Brightmoon had a King again.

Micha, her father was back, alive, and free from Horde Prime.

How much did he know, did he know about her mother, how was that going to work.

So many questions.

Speaking of.

Glimmer saw her dad enter the tent, seeming a bit unsure what to do.

"Oh uh...H-Hi kiddo

Glimmer smiled shaking her head, knowing he was trying, "Hey dad"

"So uh...what are you doing?"

"Just preparing what to say when I declare peace to the world, the war is over...all that good stuff" Glimmer chuckled nervously.

Micha seemed taken back, "Oh yeah...Your the uh...Queen now? I heard...Look I..."

"It's ok..." Glimmer stopped him in his tracks, "Will have plenty of time to talk about when we get home".


A sad expression came across the King's face.

Glimmer frowned knowing there would be alot to talk about, the loss of her mother, all those missing years. However right now they had a planet to heal, plus not to mention her relationship with Bow. That was going to take some getting used too as well.

"I'll join the others," Micha said smiling.

The Princesses were gathering inside a large tent set up so that they would have a cover. A map of Etheria was drawn up by Bow to show where the damage was, some Prime's old towers as well as where the now free Clones had ended up that Entrapta had managed to detect. So much to do and it was all starting to feel very overwhelming.

"Hey it'll be ok, you got this" Bow said, putting a comforting hand over her shoulder.

Glimmer smiled, "Thanks"

It felt good having Bow by her side.

Finally everyone was there, Adora and Catra joined her up in front as well as her father who gave her a comforting smile. They barely had time to talk and already she was showing off her Queen skills. It must have been weird for him. He seemed a bit unsure what to do. However she had a job to do. She had a feeling that tension would break out and she would need to be ready.

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