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Bakugou (hades)was a hot tempered ,not so nice god. He ruled over the under world that he dis-sided to rule over and he was not a party guy.He barely smiled or laughed.No one wanted to cross him. until he got a invite to a party with the other gods and goddesses in mount  Olympus And oh boy he was angry, no he was ferrous. But he had to go  or they would never shut up about it.   Bakugou put on his nicest party gown and ordered one of his servants  to get his carriage ready and fast. "maybe theirs some one worthy to talk too." Bahugou thought as put on his gold crown.He hoped it was a small party but then again no because  all party's were long and annoying,well in Bakugou's opinion. when he grabbed the ranes and the ceiling opened and he was off. on the  surface  he saw how pretty it was and it calmed him down ,"wow! Its even more pettier than the last time i was here." bakugou's pov.  Bakugou landed on a soft and the nearest exit. He walked in and saw all of the gods and goddesses. He was pissed. "Are you fucking kidding me!!!!"bakugou pov. " aaahh, every ones here." said a large and booming  voice.it was all- might (zeus).Two more gods walked up to bakugou,"hey,man whats up!!!" denky(hermes) yelled out ."gggrrrr!!!!" bakugou grald. "aaawww, bakugous still a angry about us nere him??"kirishima(hephestus) said as he walked to bakugou and throw his arm around his neck just to have it thrown away from bakugou. "don't touch me!!!" shouted bakugou. "okey ,okey,no touchy." denky laughed. "now if I can get all of your atentoin ,please."All-might yelled every one went silent and all eyes where on the stage. " this is my daughter/son izuku(persephone)."bakugou looked up to see izuku who was the prettiest  he had ever seen. izuku had long green hair and eyes, the finest of silk drapt  around his/her body,and the finest of gold draped all over her/him. they had the prettiest smile bakugou had ever seen.  "wow, who???.......

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