1) it isn't over

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*y/n pov*

"I'm a first-class agent"
I try to explain, even if it's more of a fact, I probably sound rather desperate

"I know"
replies the older brunette woman sitting across from me on her black leather armchair.

"I get every mission done...I'm good at what I do"
and again, these are facts, things every other agent I've worked with has told me, including the others, the team, actually I don't have to justify myselfe do I ?

"Y/n...I know,"
she answered again, finally slamming that damn notebook she writes in and placing it on the small round wooden table next to her.

"There has not been a single incident in the last two years"
Incident...loss of control, or murder you should really call it what it is and not call it an "incident".

"y/n I know that... I'm still in touch with Agent Fury... He tells me about every mission.. and also that you're one of the best if not the best agent he's worked with"
tries the doc to calm me down now i don't know if i should be mad or happy to be honest nice that nick says i'm one of the best but to go to my psychiatrist after every single mission? That's ridiculous, but what do I expect. He trusts me for reasons I don't know and probably wouldn't understand, yet he's afraid I'll freak out.

"I think I need a break...or...something like that"
I try to explain to her, even though I don't even know if that's the right solution.

"Y/n what's up?" She asks while leaning forward a little, closer to me.

"I... I just stood there..."
I get nervous and start shaking my leg. Typical for stress but I can't control it.
"I couldn't move, I...if it wasn't for Rogers then..."
I try to continue but somehow I can't bring myself to say it out loud.

"Y/n what is it about?"
she asks further

"I saw him,"
I said, looking at her properly for the first time in the session

the Doc inquired confused

"He was so close to me...."

"Who...y/n who?

*12 hours ago*

"Oh come on don't I get any praise?"
Steve smiles sideways at y/n

"You couldn't even open the damn door,"
she teases him a bit, but not in a mean tone, but in a funny and ironic tone

"First language, and second ah yes? Then how did we end up here...alive?"

"Eyes on the Road Captain"

Suddenly someone lands on the car roof,
And starts shooting through it

Yells Steve, a bullet just missed y/n just a few inches, she clatters from the passenger side to Steve

"Sorry" she said curtly as she perched on Steve's lap

He puts one hand on her back to hold her and with the other he pulls the handbrake, causing the unsub to fall off.
Both look terrified at the man who has fallen.

"Hold on"
Steve looks at y/n again, and is a little startled at what he sees. She was never one to show fear , but this time fear was written in her eyes.

Another vehicle hits them from behind and overturns their car.
Steve takes his shield, hugs y/n even tighter to protect her and yanks open the passenger door and he jumps out.

Steve said while he kept looking at y/n and behind her, she understood his instruction and started running, so did Steve.

Luckily Y/n had all the toys Fury gave her with her, a gun in her right hand and a small metal thing in the other.
She jumps off the bridge everyone is still on, when she falls far enough she throws the small metal thing no bigger than a penny that sticks to the underside of the bridge. A kind of cord quickly appears, tight but punctual enough so that she doesn't fall into her death.

Она у меня. Найди его. (She's mine I'll take care of her. Find him)
said the dark haired one standing on the bridge watching y/n. He jumps down like he doesn't matter about anything and it was the easiest thing to do, lands on top of a car and chases y/n who is out of sight at the moment.

The man slows down as he thinks he's found y/n hiding behind a car as he can hear her voice
So he rolls a bomb towards where he thinks she's hiding. But she isn't actually there but a recording over her voice is being played back on a phone

As the bomb explodes. Y/n jumps back onto the Unsubs and tries to strangle him.
But He throws her off, and attempts to shoot her, only for her to throw an electric device which shocks his electric arm before running off
He removes the device, and recalibrates his arm.

Yells y/n to the civilians as she tries to get away from him
As she runs away she keeps looking around, whether in hopes of reinforcements or just to know how long she has to live, as the man who is attacking her is not a guy who will just give up and let her go , suddenly she gets shot in the shoulder and falls down.

She looks around her, only for this man to come up for behind, ready to shoot her again
But when Steve finally discovered where the two are and what this guy is up to

Steve jumps in and blocks a punch from the latter with his shield before he kicks him away but the guy doesn't give up that easily he follows Steve who was trying to get to y/n.

He points his gun at Steve, pullsthe trigger, but Steve blocks the shots with his shield in time. Before Steve's can get to y/n he is attacked again.

The guy he's fighting grabs his shield and throws it at him, but this time his attack hits and Steve is thrown backwards. Before the guy continues, he refocuses on his female target. To his surprise, she stands behind him.

She points her gun at him which her opponent would probably do as well, but he had lost the gun somewhere in the fight with Steve.

He takes slow but big strides towards y/n as if he knew she wouldn't pull this trigger.
Y/n is a good agent and she kills that's part of the job too, but as he gets closer she recognizes him. One of the few things she remembers.

Her heartbeat quickened and her hands, which were pointing the gun at the man, began to tremble. She couldn't even breathe it's like she was paralyzed. She closed her eyes as she mentally finished, this will probably be her last day on this goddamn planet, but it's not the way she wanted to leave this world.

She hears an extreme impact which makes her eyes widen, it was Steve who threw himself on this man.

*Back to the present*

"Y/n who did you see?"
Snaps the psychiatrist y/n from her memories, or rather flashbacks

"The winter soldier, this means it isn't over as i thought" Replied y/n worried and with a very insecure and slightly anxious undertone

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