4. so many questions but no answers

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asked Steve worried, but to be honest I'm so deep in thought that I don't even notice anything anymore.
Steve sits next to me on the couch and puts his right hand on my leg, which is shaking uncontrollably again.

"He's gone y/n.... Okay..."
he tries to calm me down but I just look at him confused as if I don't understand what he's saying but before he can say anything he quickly stands up, he must have heard something, so he slowly walks out of the living room and into the hallway.

"what the hell happened here?"
Tony asked as he looked at the broken door.
Steve immediately relaxed when he saw Tony outside the door

"He was here, in her apartment,"
says Steve

"Where is she..is she?"
Tony asked worried.

"She's fine... Well... More or less," Steve explains while slowly walking back into the living room. Tony follows him:
"More or less whatever..."
Tony interrupts the sentence when he sees me sitting on the couch
Concern is clearly heard in his voice

"She's just sitting there... doesn't want to talk..."
Steve explains further, yes I don't want to talk because it just doesn't make sense and not because I'm traumatized.

"y/n hey.. how are you..."
Tony asks as he takes a seat next to where Steve was before.

"I'm going to make us some coffee... You can try your luck..."
said Steve and made his way to the kitchen. He probably knows his way around here better than in his own apartment, we spent more time here, even if he always annoys me, I can never say no when he stands in front of the door and wants to have a coffee with me, or when he just need someone to talk to. Also, I have a whole room with PCs and files on everything, so most of the missions are planned at my place, which is why Tony always makes fun of Steve, and tells him that one day I'll be the group's captain, steal Steve's job.

"Y/n what happened talk to me"
Tony pulls me out of my thoughts again.

"why didn't he kill me?"
I ask, confused, hoping Tony might be able to give me an answer

"Hey you should be glad that Steve..."
He tries to explain but I cut him off mid-sentence:
"he was here before me he could have killed me anytime"

"if he wasn't here to kill you, then why?"
It looks like Tony doesn't have a real explanation for me either, at least not a logical one.

"That doesn't make any sense.... Why risk getting caught?"
Tony asks, but it's not a direct question for me, it's more like thinking out loud, that's his thing, he keeps coming up to me too talk when he needs someone and that's typical Tony, he talks to himself most of the time while I'm just sitting there but every time he thanks me for helping him, well I guess sometimes just the thought of being listened to is enough

"He also objected to being killed by you, you have an advantage in the apartment."
He turns to me and looks at me confused, something you don't often see by the famous Tony Stark, of course, he's actually too arrogant and a know-it-all, and he thinks he has the answer to everything.

"So what did he want here?"
he asked again
Steve comes back into the destroyed living room with three cups of coffee, he puts the cups on the table, which miraculously wasn't destroyed, the only thing in this room that is probably intact.

"We'd better take her somewhere else"
Steve said to tony

"You're right, we'll sort out the rest later."
Tony takes a sip of his coffee, gets up and goes to Steve who was standing across from us

"How about the tower?"
Asks Steve, the two are so focused on each other it's like they've forgotten I'm right here.

"Hey you idiots I'm right here and I can hear you"
I say angrily, I'm really getting tired of being treated like this.

"Oh wow I didn't know I'm sorry you're so small you're easy to overlook"
Tony messes with me with his stupid idiotic sarcasm, which I actually always really like, but in a situation like this?

"Well then let's go"
Steve puts his coffee on the table and makes it clear that we are all on our way now.

"Forget it"
I cross my arms and lean deeper into the black leather couch

"It's not safe here,"
Tony tries to tell me as if I didn't already know.

"He managed to get in here once, he'll do it again,"
he continues

"You can go, I have other plans"
I don't know what yet, but I have to do something, I need an answer to all the questions, I don't understand why that's asking so much.

"Y/n don't act like a stupid naive kid"
Steve is getting mad at me

"You guys are the ones who treat me like a little kid so maybe I'll start acting like that"
I counter, it's not even a lie, I mean I'm a good agent, everyone on the team trusts me, but then there are situations like this, I'm not allowed to say anything, have no opinion and do what they want me to do.

"Like I can't take care of myself,"
I add.

"Y/n we're not discussing this,"
Steve said in a surprisingly stern tone

"Yeah, why are you still standing in my apartment? Just go,"
I said, even more grumpy than before, yes, today I'm acting like a child, but I would say it's their own fault

"Not without you,"
Tony said, very calmly, unlike Steve. Oh this definitely gives me good cop and bad cop vibes

"Then we probably have a problem"
I state, the two just look at each other annoyed

"No arguments y/n!"
Said Steve

"What are you my father?"
I asked him

This time Tony yelled at me, yes, I'm very good at provoking and teasing people.

"Don't push it too far, even if I have to carry you all the way, you're coming with us,"
the captain warns me

"Try it,"
I said and stood up, I wanted to make my way to the office, but suddenly someone grabbed my hip

I screamed as the captain quickly threw me over his shoulder with a flourish

I yelled at him trying to hit him somehow

I fight back as hard as I can, kicking and slapping him on the back and he doesn't even flinch.

I guess I can fight back as much as I want, he has the complete upper hand

"Sorry princess, like I said, I don't mind carrying you all the way,"
he said very calmly this time and even though I can't see his face, he's smiling, I can hear it in his voice.

I hit him hard on the back again

"We're not doing this to hurt you, it's for your own good, you'll be safe in the Tower and please princess watch your language"

Steve said as he made his way out of my apartment I just see Tony upside down smiling very pleased and amused, it must be a very pretty sight for him.
Because it's no use anyway, I stop screaming and fighting back, I slowly relax and let this stupid and, above all, superfluous situation endure me

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