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1) Tell us a little about yourself

Call me Rafe. Raconteur is my surname. You know, the word that means a person who tells anecdotes in a skillful and amusing way. I just hope I'm living up to it. Haha.

2) How did you discover Wattpad? 

The name Wattpad sounded familiar ever since one day I looked it up and decided to revive the story I wrote a few years ago and post it.

3) How long have you been writing? 

Since I was able to hold a pen I've been writing those silly short stories. Then in high school I started expounding on those stories.

4) What genre do you write in? What's your favorite? 

Action and adventure, sci-fi, mystery, thriller, although I mostly write in crime / mystery.

5) What do you enjoy most about the writing process? The least? 

I love developing the core plot and adding twists and stuff. I also like creating the characters and their unique personalities... they just seem so real sometimes. The least? I gotta say it's when I have a writer's block, of course.

6) Which of your books are you most proud of? Why? 

I love them all. But I think the series Westside's Saga stands out the most, 'cause I devote most of my writing time on it.

7) Which of your characters are you most proud of? Why? 

I think Harvey Parker from the series 'Westside's Saga' is the one. He is just a perfect bestfriend, and a guy you can always count on. The way his character develops from the very first book to the end of the series - the way he develops from good character to a strong one is just superb.

8) What project(s) are you working on right now? 

I'm working on the second book of Westside's Saga, developing the plot and creating the cover. I also am thinking of reviving a previously written story when I was in middle school. 

9) Do you have any unpublished stories? If so, why and do you ever plan to publish them?

A ton of them. I have many initial crazy ideas, but only a few gets published. Sometimes the plot is just too shallow, so if I get ideas that can improve it, it just might get published someday.

10) What are your strengths in writing? How can you improve? 

Not sure, it's yours to say. But I guess it's either the plot development, or the inner voice of the character shown in the narration. Reading more books from great authors helps alot in improving the inner voice of my character.

11) Do you have future milestones? Maybe publication, a certain readership, etc.  

Of course! I hope one day the series I'm writing turns into a popular TV Show, etc, although that may be lightyears away. Hahaha.

12) Do you have any tips for other aspiring writers? 

Read read read when you have time to. Its a way to learn from other amazing authors and to be inspired. Try to watch Movies / TV Shows that capture the same vibes of your books, maybe it'll help bring out your creative ideas. Listen to music of the same vibes as the project you're working on before you write - it helps tone the mood.  

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