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After a scolding session with Seokjin and Hoseok about his messy room, Namjoon decides to tidy it up a bit. He starts by making his bed, picking up dirty clothes from the floor and putting them in the laundry basket, and even sweeping the floors.

When he starts dusting the shelves and rearranging his books, he remembers the pile of library books he just borrowed and brings his bag. He starts placing them neatly and that's when he sees it- the same book that looked so fascinating to him.

"The Book of Inspiration"- the hardcover of the book said in bold letters, and then he squints his eyes, noticing something else that's written on it, so small he didn't even notice it the first time.
S.F.; it looked like initials to him which made it clearer for him that it was not a book- it was a notebook!

He stared at the notebook in his hands, confusion in his eyes, eyebrows furrowed as he focused on the cover and the letters that were now dancing around in his head. Is it a notebook, or an aesthetic book cover to try and catch readers' eyes?

His fingers drummed on the hardcover, and finally, after a few minutes of contemplating and thinking, he got up and placed the notebook along with the others, sighing while he sorted the rest of his borrowed books.

After a few more minutes of cleaning, he was finally content with the state his room was in and grabbed a poetry book he had been reading. He sat in front of the desk in his room, leaning the poetry book against the wall in front of him while he scrambled around his desk for his personalized notebook that the boys got him as a present.

Once he finds that notebook, he pulls out a pen from the pencil holder Yoongi got him a few days into their school year- ("Here" he tossed that at Namjoon who lay in his bed, reading. "You always lose them, try to be more organized.")- and starts writing passionately.

He calls Yoongi and tells him to bring Hoseok along to his room, hanging up without waiting for his reply. 5 minutes later the two enter the room, and their confused expressions quickly fade away as they spot Namjoon hunching over his desk writing at an inhuman pace.

Yoongi walks behind him and slaps the back of his neck, "your posture," he tells the younger. Hoseok snorts at that and joins Yoongi, looking over Namjoon's shoulder to read what he has written so far.
"Oh? The lyrics sound... I like it so far." Hoseok's comment doesn't even faze Namjoon who now writes even faster.

After a few seconds, he puts his pen down and sighs in contentment, Yoongi and Hoseok are finally able to take a better look at his handwriting.
"I just read that poetry book Hobi's father recommended to me and got inspired. Your thoughts?"

Yoongi hums as he reads silently, Hoseok tilts his head after reading a particular line and comments "Shouldn't you use a different word instead of this one? It just really stands out- quite different than what you try to deliver in the song."

"Show me where," Namjoon asks and then Yoongi points out another phrase and suggests a better one. They go on for about an hour and a half before Seokjin barges in and drags them to his and Hoseok's dorm room to eat, the younger members are already sitting there with rumbling stomachs.

"Finally! We've been waiting forever for you!" Taehyung muttered, pouting at the older members that just joined them. Hoseok laughs and sits next to him, hugging him tightly as he ruffles his hair. "Even when you sulk you are adorable."

"Compliments won't help you," Jungkook says with a pout, Namjoon and Yoongi laugh at his adorable tone and Yoongi gives him an extra piece of steak from his plate, watching the younger break into a big smile. "But food will."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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