Chapter 1

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"Thanks Mrs. Dianna" I said as I got off the bus. Today has been a bad day for me.... First I was late for school and everyone laughed at me, then I fell over in the Cafeteria and got milk and noodles all over myself, and then when I got onto the bus someone tripped me so now I have a big bruise on my arm. So I just want to go sulk in my room for a good hour. Today was my last day at my school, DawnRidge Middle, I am moving from Virginia to California, and I am not the happy camper my mom would like me to be, so instead of sulking in my room I had to help pack for the trip. "JANE!!!" Uhhggggg! That is my mom, and yes Jane is my name though I would like it if my name was something like Brenna or Alice or something other than Jane, "COMING!!!!!" I say as I thud down the stairs. Once I get downstairs my little sister, Maddie, comes up to me and shoves her toy bear in my face and says " Teddy says that you smell weird." Then runs back the way she came, ugh little sisters are such a pain. When I get to my mom she is in the garage putting things into the back of the van "Jane I need you pack your bag for the plane ride." "Okay mom, is that all?" I said starting to walk away, " Can you tell your sister to do the same?" "Sure" I thud back up the stairs and tell Maddie to pack for the plane then I go into my room and start to pack things into my bag, I wish my bed were still in my room but the moving van already came earlier while I was in school so now the house is empty except for our cloths and such. I hate that we have to leave today, but the sooner I get out of here the easier it will be to leave everything I ever knew. After my was all packed I went and put it in the car then ate a Burger King burger and then we left for the Airport.

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