Chapter 1

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"I think we should go to dinner after school. Mom said you can pick the place." Yoongi's brother, Sungjin, told him as he drove down the road towards their high school.

Yoongi smiled a little and glanced at him, his voice quiet as he responded.

"Okay, nice, thanks, Sungjin." Tilting his head slightly, he looked out the window of the passenger seat.

"Oh come on, be happy, it's September 25th, it's your birthday!" Sungjin looked over at him briefly before back at the road. Taking one hand off the steering wheel, he grabbed Yoongi's shoulder and shook him gently.

Yoongi looked down as a smile tugged on his lips and he gave a little laugh.

"Okay, okay," he shifted his gaze to look over at his brother, "I am excited, I'm happy, I swear."

"Good." Sungjin said with a kind smile as he stopped at a red traffic light.

Suddenly, a loud shriek from alongside the road was heard. Yoongi looked over sharply and blinked, watching a very bloody man haul himself on top of a girl.

He began to bite into her shoulder, blood spraying everywhere as he tore the skin off. She parted her jaws in a terrified and pain-filled shriek, causing others to rush over and attempt to help her.

"What the hell?!" Sungjin was staring too, absolutely stunned. Yoongi watched as more and more people started to get attacked by this crazy person.

Blinking, his wide gaze shifted to the traffic light. It was green, and yet, no one was urging the car in front to drive. In Seoul, the car on the frontier would be getting honked at for not immediately accelerating. People had places to be.

However, Yoongi knew exactly why no one was urging for movement. Everyone was watching this terrifying scene unfold on the sidewalk.

The ones that were getting attacked slowly started to go rabid as well. Their bodies convulsed and they snarled, starting to snap at other unsuspecting people.

"They...they're zombies." Yoongi whispered, his hand instinctively trying to lock the already locked car door.

Soon enough, the newly infected zombies started barging up against the cars on the road, trying to get to the people inside.

"Hell no, off we go." Sungjin put the car in reverse, backing up at an angle in order to get out of the line of traffic. Suddenly, the back bumper smashed into the front bumper of the car behind them.

The sudden jolt caused Yoongi to jump, finally tearing his horrified gaze away from the mass of zombies forming. Instead, he looked over his seat at the back of the car.

"Sungjin, what are you doing?!" He whispered, watching the man in the car behind them flip both of them off.

"Sorry!" His brother smiled nervously and then looked ahead again. "I'm trying to get us out of here."

He pulled up onto the curb, the car gradually moving up on the sidewalk where the zombies were.

"Why are you going towards them!" Yoongi yelled, gripping the seatbelt harshly as the car ran over multiple of the infected people. Some of them clawed at the windows, leaving smears of blood, but they were all hit if they were too close.

"Shush! I know what I'm doing!" Sungjin snapped back at him as he drove past all of the zombies. The car bounced again as the wheels dropped off of the curb, back into the road. They were now at the front of the traffic light.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2022 ⏰

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