Ligmaballgunner x shitman x noobycum

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To the many patrons of the Miitopia Rp! Discord server, mainly Xero, Dragon, Ava, Orneg, Galius, Biscuit, Meep, and Rain; you are all at fault for contributing to the creation of this nightmare. Without further question, read this damn thing

With a new day arriving at Miitopia Rp! high, many students were flooding into the gates of chaos. Many were talking to their friends, about their interests and maybe their day. At the fabled gates, two students was standing by the walls, backs leaning and arms crossed. Who could these two young men be, why, Iceman and Nooby, of course! They were scanning the path to the small school, looking for anything to smear their racist tendencies and horrid jokes onto. Alas, they found one: a guy dressed as a Twerky of all things, his voluptuous, round ass sticking out from under the short dress. His hair was black, a faint blush of red on his lips along with his black eyes that seemed to wander everywhere, yet not in the delinquent's direction. Iceman and Noob watched her, hearts pulsing in a fast rhythm as they stared at the mysterious student. The bell then wrung, all the remaining students piling up inside for their classes. This was anything but optional for our two infamous members, who decided to go to the back of the school and smoke. What did they smoke? Weed? Who knows, probably not anything normal, just saying. Soon, a lunch break was upon the students, allowing them to roam around and engage in their discussions once more, roleplays resuming if those were active. Our racists were patrolling the area, looking for the mystery man from earlier, the one that raised their libidos. There he was, sneaking up on a Twerky with his round ass out for them both to see. Yet he stopped his act, sitting back down, knees on the grass as he looked back up, seeing the two other students standing there "Oh hey, n-nya~" He muttered, wondering why they were there. In truth, even if he hadn't seen them before, he thought they were hot as fuck. But what does a turkey  have to do with these people. They weren't even here in the same time period. "Hey baby grill, wanna come be an absolute menace to society? 😈"  Shitman replied, not sugarcoating the pair's intentions. The blush on Ligmaballsgunner's face darkened, not sure how to take this. Yes, he had been secretly wishing for that, yet he didn't expect it so..quickly. Nonetheless, he nodded, fixing up the crown on his head as he stood up, looking at both members, taking up bot of their arms into his, the two other men happy that they had their fresh ass to fuck and someone to share their views with. And as the three disappeared to the back of the school, the student council group sighed and rolled their eyes, going back to talking about how to get them expelled for their repetition of actions, knowing what was to come for their fates.

The end......

or is it? 😈

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2022 ⏰

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Ligmaballsgunner x Shitman x NoobycumWhere stories live. Discover now