Chapter 34

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I wake up in a hospital bed.Why am I in the hospital? Oh yeah I passed out.I have not eaten in a long time.I just want to be pretty.

The door to my hospital room opens and the boys walk in.
I love you guys.I say
We love you too.The boys say in unison

The doctors said you passed out from malnutrition.Says Niall
I a-am so s-s-sorry.I stutter
Why did you pass out from malnutrition? Asks Zayn

I just w-wanted to be b-beautiful so I have not been eating.I say
Princess you are the most beautiful girl I know.Says Niall

You are very skinny and do not need to be starving yourself.Says Liam
I am fat though.I whisper

You are not fat Ashley Horan.Says Niall
I love you guys.I say and hug them

The boys loved me and they always will.I am so thankful to be living with them.They have all become my brothers and I love them.

THE END!!!!!!!
Comment what you though of this story.Thanks for so many views on my story.

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