Chapter 1:

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Amnesia and her father were sitting at the breakfast table. Her father was a fine, good man. He was the priest at there county church and he never ever got in any kind of trouble in his whole life. And he was also good looking for a 29 year old. He had dark brown,slightly wavy hair that was always groomed to the side, he always wore suspenders and tight pants, and he had great cheek bones. Well amnesia wasn't bad looking either. (And she is 16.) she also had dark brown hair, but it was curly. She was a 5.1 ft, she always wore pretty lacy stuff, she usually had her hair parted to the side,she wore her makeup in a little cat eye, and she was just beautiful.
As they were eating breakfast she was looking out of the window above the brown sink. They lived out in the country of Marion Ohio. They had a little red farm with 2 horses, 5 pigs, 3 sheep, and 8 chickens. They lived in a little White House beside there Farm.
" nice weather today huh?" Her father said since he noticed that amnesia was looking out of the window at the rain.
"Funny dad. You know I wanted to ride willow today. " amnesia said to her father. Willow was her black and white horse. She wanted to ride her today because in a few weeks will be the nationals horse race. She is in it every year and never has made to internationals. She is good but this time she believes she will make it.
"I know,I know, I'm sorry. But you can practice tomorrow. " her father said.
"Ya sure I would love to ride around in mud puddles. " amnesia said back to her father in a attitude.
"Hey missy, you don't have to give me a attitude." Her father snapped back.
"Sorry father. I just have nothing to do. "
"You could draw. Your good at that. "
"Good idea!" She said as she ran upstairs to her room.
"Aren't you going to finish your eggs?" He dad yelled. "Oh well." He thought to him self.
# in amnesias room#
She had a room that explained her. There were trophies on her black shelves from horse racing. And on her brown bed stand she had a white lamp and a TV remote. But also a picture of her dead mother. She has been dead for About 4 years now. She was in a accident. Amnesia was in the car but only got a couple scars. Sometimes she wishes that they could switch places, but she thinks about how much she loves her father. And would hate to have to say goodbye. Oh well. Music and drawing keeps her sane.
As she looked around her room looking for something, she found it. She pulled a brown cardboard shoe box out from under her bed. She sat on the floor and slowly opened it. She pulled out a scrap book of her and her mom. She looked at it for a minute, then she remembered something...her first day of school was tomorrow....

Amnesia and grey...dark wood...(book 1)Where stories live. Discover now