Chapter 2: school...what a pain.

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"Amnesia!!!" Her father yelled from downstairs. She was laying in bed half awake. She did not want to get up. She hates school. Well...not school...the people.
When she was 13 she got beat up by a bunch of seniors in height school. But she doesn't know why. She is nice to everyone. There is no reason any one should hate her. But guess what? They do.
"Coming father!" She yelled back as she flopped of the bed.
Plop. She fell on the floor.
"Are you okay!!! What was that!!?!" Her father asked because he heard the fall.
"I'm fine dad. I just fell. " amnesia yelled back.
A couple minutes later she walked down the stairs to the breakfast table. She sat down at her seat, across from her father.
" how did you sleep?" Her father asked.
" fine. Well...the rain wasn't really helping." She answered.
" same here. But it wasn't as bad in my room. You can just sleep in there tonight if you would like."
"Okay. Probably not. I'm not a little girl any more I should be fine."
"Are you sure?"
"Sorry! Got to go to the bus! I'm late!!!" Amnesia yelled at her father as she ran to the bus stop.
#on the school bus#
The noise was crazy. Everyone was talking and yelling,getting in fights,playing music,cursing, and it was only the first day of soft more year.
As she got off the bus she noticed all the new teachers. Some were old and some were young. Some were ugly and some were actually pretty cute.
"Don't think like that." Amnesia said aloud to herself. But then a girl with blonde pigtails,braces,and glasses came up to her.
"I heard what you said. The new teacher is pretty cute isn't he? And don't worry all the girls think that. It's just a normal teenage girl thing to think."she said with a slurred voice.
"Ha. Well that's nice. But what is that cute teachers name?" I asked the nerd girl.
"His name is Mr.Jason. And before you ask,no. He is not married."
"Okay but-"
" He is 23." The girl interrupted. But as soon as she finished the principle came out and said...
"Welcome to hardwood high school. And I would like to introduce all of the new kids. Now, when I call your name...I would like you to come up here by me and tell us where you are coming from." He said.
The principle has brown groomed hair and glasses. He was a normal height.
Oh no. Amnesia thought to her self. She is a new kid. She used to go to the other high school named berk last year but everyone (including the teachers) were total butt faces.
"Okay. First up Betty Nicole-" he said a whole bunch of names and they all went up confidently and told about them selves.
But then....last but not least...was amnesia.
"Would amnesia Redgrave please come up and tell a little about your self."
As soon as he said that her heart dropped. But she had to get it over with. S she walked up to the pedestal and just breathed. But then...she noticed that one of the kids from last year was in the audience.....

Amnesia and grey...dark wood...(book 1)Where stories live. Discover now