Our Secret - Damon Albarn/Liam Gallagher

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(A/N: Matt is a completely fictional imaginary character so he's just a filler lmfao. Also I really want to thank someone who requested me to write this, they're literally so supportive and I really REALLY appreciate them<3)

⚠️ Mild smut

was excruciating hot. 

The weather, of course.

It was a sunday afternoon, in the middle of summer. There had been a football match, and whatever, it was a charity event, Matt basically dragged me into this (though, I wasn't complaining, any opportunity I had to see him I would go in a heartbeat),

He was, surprisingly enough, focused on the game. Maybe it, only slightly pissed me off, that his full attention was on the game and not on me, but, that was just slightly. 

He played for the Chelsea club, I played for Manchester. 

I mean, I didn't do anything except look at him and sit around but I was there, and that's what counts. 

"Really?" His voice startled me, "You're just gonna sit there on the floor? All game?"

"Yes, Matt, what else am I supposed to do? I don't like this," 

"Then why'd you come?"

God never let him know the real answer.

"Cause you wanted me here, remember?" I chuckled, and susprisingly enough, he didn't think twice about what I said. Nobody suspects a thing.

His focus was suddenly on the ball, "At least do something!" He said, running towards the ball.

I'll do something.

I got up, wiped some grass off of my legs, and walked towards him. When he saw me walk over, he's movements slowed down. Where's his attention now, huh?

"Go easy on them," I whispered in his ear, he smirked. 

"You're saying I'm carrying this game?"

"Yes, pretty much. You're really good at that, you never told me you actually liked football," I told him, less quieter now. 

"It never came up, I guess," He smiled, looking betweens my eyes and my lips. I could sense his urge to just kiss me and God knows what else, but he couldn't cause he was in a public football game.

"Any other secret talents you'd like to share with me?" I couldn't help but to smirk. He looked around, searching, if anyone heard me. No, of course not, I made sure no one would hear us. 

"Actually," He paused, but came closer to me, if that was even possible and placed a hand on my chest, as if we were just two friends, chatting about... - the game! Oh yes, the football match. But we both knew that was infact, not correct. "After the game, I can show you some of my oh so hidden...talents," his eyes pierced through my eyes and lips.

"Whatever you say, Albarn," I walked away, going back to doing absolutely nothing during the whole game.

God, he really can just mold my thoughts like that. Now I'm even more unfocused on the game, if that was even possible. 

"Saw you and Albarn getting along," Matt came up behind me and startled me, once again. My heart raced; did he catch anything we said? Does he know anything? Did he-

"I'm glad you're pals now, I mean, both of my friends getting along that's nice," He smiled at me, and I returned a frail, nervous smile. 

He walked away, and I looked over at Damon, who was looking at me. He raised me an eyebrow, I shrugged my shoulders.

About an hour goes by, and the football game is finally over. They won, quite obviously. I mean, I wasn't doing anything and even if I was, Damon was surprisingly good at football.

I enter the lockeroom, and just as I was about to, I can feel a hand gripping on my waist. He flips me around, I widen my eyes.

"Are you insane? People might see us," I exclaim, he smiles.

"Look, they're all out in the field having a beer, let's just," he placed a kiss on my lips, "you know,"

I roll my eyes, but kiss him, passionately this time. His hands grip are gripping on my shirt, and I do him a favour and remove it. He kisses my collarbones, and I can't help but to moan softly.


"I've been waiting all day for this, Liam," I smirked. Would've never guessed. I take off his shirt and our skin clashes together, making us both shiver. My back hits the cold, tile wall, and Damon pins me down. But I couldn't let him dominate.

I roll over, pinning him against the wall, and kiss his neck, harshly.

"Li- Liam-,"

I was rubbing his cock through his football, feeling him extremely hard against my hand, never stopping the kisses on his neck.

"I nee-"

"Me?" I said, against his neck. I could feel his heavy breaths on my skin. God, that just made me want to fuck him more.


We were interrupted by a door kicking open. It was Matt and Noel.

They both looked confused.

"H-Hey! Hello," Damon was clearly nervous. God, he should let me do the talking and cover up. Worked wonders with Robbie.

"Hey guys," I went back to casually putting my shirt in my bag, and pretending like nothing was happening.

"'Sup," Noel said, and went over to where his stuff was placed at, "You guys wanna go grab a beer after?"

Damon didn't reply, he just looked at me and nodded.

"Yeah, of course," I replied for both of us, and thankfully Noel and Robbie went back to chatting. And they don't suspect a thing. We're getting good at this.

"How am I supposed to hide this?" He asked me, I chuckled.

"Car?" I asked, smirking slightly. He blushed and nodded.

"Hey, Noel, were going to head over to the car, we'll wait for you there?", I asked, as Damon stood there nervously.

"Yeah, we'll catch you in a bit!"

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