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NADINE WAS TRYING really hard not to freak out. Honestly, she didn't know how she had made it so long without having a nervous breakdown of some kind, all things considered.

In less than a week she had discovered she had powers, realised she was raised as a secret government weapon-in-training, been told about Demogorgons and Mind-Flayers and Vecna, and had found herself walking next to Nancy and Robin in an alternate dimension.

She was surprised her brain hadn't melted out of her ears yet, pooling on the forest floor by her feet like melted ice cream.

"Why weren't your friends in California picking up?" Nadine asked, stepping cautiously over a particularly large root.

Nancy looked troubled, her expression clouding over, "I don't know."

"Have you not heard from Jonathan at all the past few days?" Robin continued, and Nadine looked between them.


"My boyfriend," Nancy stuttered, the word seemingly lodging itself in her throat before she spat it out, "We don't... we don't talk all the time, but this is the longest we've gone."

Nadine could easily sense the tension in Nancy's relationship, but kept her lips shut, not wanting to put her foot in her mouth the way she had when she had asked about Steve and Robin.

Robin glared at her surroundings in obvious disdain, looking for a change in subject, "I can't believe we're stuck here for Steve."

Nancy laughed, "Ridiculous, isn't it?"

"I can't believe I jumped in without knowing how to swim," Nadine added cheerily.

Robin and Nancy looked at her with startled eyes, both obviously alarmed at the admission.

"Woah, woah, woah," Robin put her hands up, as if slowing down a speeding vehicle, "Run that by me again. You can't swim?!"

Nadine shook her head, biting back a silly grin at the other two's expressions.

"Nadine!" Nancy practically scolded, "How did you even get to the gate?"

The young woman pointed at her metal prosthetic, "I sunk."

"You sunk?!" Robin screeched, "Are you shitting me?"

"Well it worked," Nadine fired back, "I got to the gate super quick and everything!"

"I can't believe you instantly jumped in after Steve with no plans other than to sink," Namcy seemed baffled by this information.

     "Like a stone," Nadine offered, nodding solemnly.

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