Are You My Mother?

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So. I'm in a bit of a pickle. And I say a bit because I'm leaning to one side already so if I get a couple more votes, I will resolve it simply.

The pickle?

Fahejo, dumpster child that he is, needs someone to take care of him. Someone to rescue and reform him.

I came up with two options.

Option 1:

Adam's dad finds him on the way home from his law office, and brings the child home. Joan (Adam's mom) takes to the child immediately and smothers him with love and affection. This makes Adam even more jealous and especially bitter, as he was deprived of his mother's love his entire life and has spent all his days trying to get her to love him.

I like this option because I'm evil and I love Adam's mama drama. But I also don't like it because that means I have to spend more time with his mother and I hate her guts almost as much as he does.

Moving on, we have...

Option 2:

This one is my favorite, the one I and a few others in my sphere of influence are leaning more heavily towards.

Basically, Tris (Adam's therapist) finds the child digging in her trash for scraps and takes him in to be raised as her own, kindhearted soul that she is. The child forms an unbreakable bond with Tris's butler, Zadkiel (or Amadeus if you prefer) and the two become rather inseparable. This allows me to have funny butler scenarios where Adam is acting more disruptive than the five year old ever could, driven by jealousy and a burning annoyance toward the child who idolizes him.

Which option to you prefer? Drop a comment and let me know!

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