Chapter 3 | Never Say "Next Time."

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It's easier to agree to talking with Billy than actually doing it.

Two weeks have passed since Steve's "next time," and he's genuinely considering taking dodgeball. Not that he's nervous, scared, or any of that sort of bullshit. Steve is just... taking his time, y'know? It's definitely not because Steve's still a bit hesitant to even be around Billy in fear that he'll get sent to the nearest hospital.

Alright, so maybe Steve is a bit scared, but who can blame him?

As long as Steve can avoid Linda, Billy, and everyone who might've overheard Coach Simmons (a.k.a. the whole school), then perhaps he can graduate without having a bruised face. There's a new goal!

Unfortunately, Steve learns that he can't outrun Billy forever.

It's a Saturday afternoon, and Steve is waiting outside Dustin's school. To sum things up, Mrs. Henderson specifically asked Steve to pick up her son, she's worried that the same thing that happened to Will might happen to Dustin. Steve understands — of course he does, because he went against some of the Demogorgons himself (and he would, preferably, never see those shits again).

Steve checks his watch, a scowl naturally forming on his features when he registers the time. That little shit is late. He thinks that in a somewhat affectionate tone. Somewhat.

To be honest, Steve isn't surprised. In fact, he sort of expected this. Dustin isn't stupid or unsuspecting like Will was. He won't get eaten by a Demogorgon, even if he's alone.

So, Steve lets out an exasperated sigh, raking a hand through his hair. He turns on his heel, hand clasping over the car's door in a quick motion so he could leave. Steve might as well tell Mrs. Henderson that Dustin went with a friend instead.

A branch cracks in Steve's vicinity.

Maybe it's because of the Upside Down, or hell, maybe even the Demogorgons Steve has gone against time and time again, but it only takes him two seconds to open the backseat door and grab his signature bat.

Steve immediately takes a defensive stance, shooting a glare in the direction of the sudden noise. He doesn't care if the sun is out and shining. Whatever is lurking in the shadows is about to get a deserved strike across the face.

Another sound elicits, this time behind him.

Instantly alerted, Steve spins, raising his bat to swiftly swing down on the intruder, only to stop halfway when he recognizes the familiar face of the surprised person.

"Billy." Steve breathes out, uneven.

The said male is cocking an eyebrow, arms crossed as he eyes the bat. Billy's shock faded as soon as Steve uttered his name, and now it is replaced by dull amusement. It's okay, it's Billy. Steve's hands stop shaking, air filling his lungs as relief washes over him. He didn't even realize he was holding his breath until now.


Oh shit, it's Billy.

Steve practically jumps five feet away, bat almost falling from his grip once he lets out an embarrassing scream. "God, man! What the hell is wrong with you?!" he snaps, holding a hand over his chest as he tries to calm himself down.

Billy cackles. Cackles at Steve. "Get your panties out of a knot, princess. You look like you've seen a ghost." he prods as Steve's eyebrow twitches. "I get a strange feeling that you've been avoiding me though. Want to explain?" that cocky smirk is back, and Steve wonder if he could get away with slamming a bat across Billy's face.

"I haven't been avoiding you." he lies, slowly but surely putting his weapon back in the car. Steve's glad that Billy doesn't question what just happened, because he's not sure if he'd be able to explain it without getting arrested. "What, miss me that much?"

It's Billy's turn to be annoyed. His tongue pokes out, swiping across his bottom lip. "I'm sure you dream of it, Harrington." he says, but it comes out more serious than a usual tease should. Steve brushes it off.

The backseat door to the car is shut, and Steve debates on driving off before belatedly realizing that Billy approached him. "What are you doing here anyway, man? Don't you have girls to bang or something." he starts, eyes narrowing.

"A little birdie told me something interesting." Billy responds, leaning on the hood of the vehicle as he takes a something out of his pocket. "Didn't believe it before, but with the way you're acting..." he lights the cigarette placing it between his lips as that blue gaze lands on Steve once more. "I think they were right."

Steve flinches. He hopes Billy doesn't notice. "Drop the cancer stick, man. Get to the point." he tries to sound irritated, but at this point Steve isn't sure if it's the smoke from the cigarette or his nervousness that makes a lump form in his stomach.

"Simmons." Billy starts, as if he's purposely trying to get a reaction from Steve. "What'd he say?" is what comes out of his mouth. There's a sharp edge to it, like Billy already knows the answer.

Steve crosses his arms. "What's it to you?"

Billy exhales, blowing out some of the smoke into the air as he laughs. "Choosing the hard way, Harrington? So be it." he sucks the cigarette one last time, then drops it to the floor to stomp it out. "There's a rumor, pretty boy. That Simmons had enough of your shit and kicked you out of the team."

Steve shrugs. "Good thing it's a rumor then, huh?" he deflects.

Unfortunately, Billy doesn't seem convinced. "Oh, that one isn't, Harrington. But there's another part to it that I left out." Shit. Steve freezes up. "You can join the team again, but you have to suck up to me, correct?"

"That's..." Not true. A lie. Wrong. "none of your buisness, dipshit. I think dodgeball is a better sport, anyway." Steve waves a dismissing hand. "Plus, this is what you want, isn't it? Finally got rid of "pretty boy." Bet you're ecstatic."

Billy cocks an eyebrow. "Is that what you think?" he laughs, almost mocking. "I don't know what died in that fucking head of yours, Harrington, but you're the only one on that team that can keep up with me." his eyes lid a bit. "You're one hell of a challenge, pretty boy, and I am more than willing to conquer you."

The fuck, why's he talking like that? Steve rolls his eyes. "Cry me a river, Hargrove. Cut the bullshit and tell me why you're really here." he demands, that prickly feeling rushing up his spine once more. Stop that.

Billy grins, and an unwanted chill rushes over Steve.

"I have an offer for you, pretty boy."

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