i think ill just fuck u

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this request is from lolomg125553 

i wanted to do this cause i haven't been writing alot if u make fun of my spelling i will cry

you know the rest








normal fuckin day with quackity ^ _ ^ the sky is pretty , the grass is good to eat (yumyum/j) duck man was having a peaceful day, every thing was going fine ^^ until.................




came ^^

"wilbur how many fucking times have i told you to stop coming here" quackity said a bit mad 

         "hmmmmm, hard question maybe about . . . 1000000000 times!" wilbur said 

"just fucking leave, i dont wanna deal with ur fucking shit" - Q

          "i need to tell you something  duckling" - W.S

"what" - Q

                     "well i think i have feelings for you." - W.S

"ok" - Q

                         "sooooo-" - W.S

"ok" - Q

                           "DO U EVEN CARE?" - W.S

"no" - Q

                                   wilbur just stared at quackity 

"go, bye now" - Q

                              "im not leaving" - W.S

"ok then," and quackity just walked away 

                        "wtf?." wilbur confused 

quackity walked to his office like normal and just stared at the window and seeing the nice view 

              wilbur walked in "whats wrong with you today.?" 

"nothing" Quackity replied still looking at the view 

' you sure? ' 

' yeah, everything is fine ' 

--- wilbur stood there quiet 

( naw, that plot twist in the comments,,,, ) 

' you can leavee? ' quackity said once more

wilbur walked over to quackity without saying anything 

' tell me whats wrong, ' wilbur said

' nothing is wrong . i swear! ' quackity raising his voice 

' im not asking 1 more time. what is wrong . ' wilbur said

quackity ignored him

' quackity. '

quackity ignored him once again.

wilbur got tired of him ignoring him , he went up to quackity and grabbed his chin, 

'are you ignoring me?' wilbur said

quackity just looked away from wilbur 

wilbur was quite annoyed so then he kissed him,

quackity was shocked , but then kissed back 

( i will work on this when i have time!! )

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