Chapter One: Rufio is a jerk to Amanda

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     Amanda can see the mowhawked boy advance towards her, sword brandished. It seems he's had enough fun bullying her father and now he's after her. She tries to slink away into the patch of forest behind her and is almost successful until she hears a low and demanding voice.
      "Stop." The half-wild teenager commands.
     Amanda obeys, her heart jumps into her throat as she does so. What's he gonna do to me?  She thinks. All she wants right now is to disappear. She closes her eyes tightly, expecting to feel a cold blade snake around her throat but nothing seems to be happening.
     When Amanda reopens her eyes she can see Rufio slowly advancing to meet her gaze. He looks her up and down curiously. His expression is unhinged.. almost cocky with the slightest bit of malicious intent. She tries not to stare, but his punk-like attire is mesmerising.
     Finally, he has the nerve to speak.
     "Thought you could run away from me, didn't ya? Tell me, what makes you so afraid, pet? You're quite shy unlike that greasy old lawyer."
     Amanda feels a sudden surge of anger at that insult. Yes, her dad drove her over the moon with fury a lot, but he was a well reputed and refined individual. It hurt to hear him insulted.
     "Excuse me, but that 'greasy old lawyer' is my father! He can be just as timid as me! It's just I'm not gonna approach a group of kids playing with swords!" She crosses her arms over her chest defensively.
     "We don't have no plan to hurt you right now. I mean, I would if it wasn't for you being the pretty girl you are." Rufio laughs. His expressions seem to be fluctuating constantly. Amanda doesn't take to kindly to his sorry excuse for a compliment. Instead, she huffs an angry sigh and mutters something sarcastic. There is a long moment of silence before Rufio decides to break it.
   "Listen, Your old man's stayin', my boys are gonna teach him to fly,  and I can't do nothing about it. You win! You're stupid little scheme is working. I don't understand what you have to be pissed about." He says, his demeanor now back at it's default which seems to be anger.
     "This isn't a game for me!" Amanda snaps. "I don't want to be here as much as you don't want me here!"
    This seems to tip Rufio over the edge. His fury towers over hers.
     "Don't play me like that, you came here. This ain't a chance to get me to pity you or your father! I don't care about your sibling sob story, real or not. Kids die here all the time. Its just how this place is! I'm sick and tired of this phony Pan bullshit! If I didn't have a reputation in this place, I'd kill you and him before you could even own up to it!"
     Amanda doesn't respond, his words on their own are enough to slit her throat open.
     "It's not my fault! H-how could you say that?!" Her voice is shaky, she is trying to hold back a sudden flow of tears from her eyes, but it soon breaks through. She is beyond hurt.
     Rufio stands and watches her pity-party for about a minute, he is unmoved, but seems to be growing calmer. He turns away, muttering something that almost sounds like guilt, but she can't really make it out. Before Amanda even call after him, he is already gone. -Disappeared somewhere into the mess of ropes and wooden planks.

A/N: I made this chapter a long time ago so it's not as good as my other ones 😭

Neverland's Sweetheart (Rufio X Fem! OC)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora