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To say he was scared was a huge understatement, and- unfortunately enough for Num- the cause of his distress was currently standing in front of him. Towering over him by at least a foot, was Elite member Bruce Carnage who- as it so ironically happens- was just as unnerving as his name implied. Num was forced to clench his hands into fists to keep them from revealing his anxiety. A thousand thoughts raced through his head as he waited for Bruce to speak. There were many reasons for him to be requesting Num's company, just as there were many reasons that Num didn't want to be there. The hulking figure before him began to pace. Num had just been about to blurt out the many questions that had been bothering him since he had been called down to speak to Bruce, but before Num could do anything he would regret, Bruce stopped pacing and faced him. Frowning he began to speak,

"First and foremost it is of the up most importance for you to know that everything we discuss within the confines of this room remain confidential. Continuing upon things of which need to be addressed," he stopped to gauge Num's expression as he finished his sentence, "you are not in any kind trouble." Relief rushed through him leaving his heart hammering and his fingertips devoid of feeling. It took all of his willpower to keep his face unmoved.

"I understand Elite Carnage..sir," he said as calmly as possible. Bruce nodded in acknowledgement before continuing,

" Please, call me Bruce," he said waving his hand, as if to swat away the words that Num had spoken. "I come as a representation of the entire populace of The Elite, and we need a favor." This time Num let his face fall, mouth partially open in astonishment. A favor? Why would The Elite need a favor? They ruled everything and- though he hated to admit it- everybody, so in all honesty, there weren't any "favors" just demands.

"A favor?" Num questioned skeptically.

"Indeed," Bruce stated pausing to sort through his thoughts. "You see, we've been told that there has been...odd activity occurring within the confines of this building, and this building alone." Num's heart began to race. Confused Num scratched at his head, unsure of why he felt such a sudden onslaught of fear, but before he could think it through Bruce continued to talk.

"Now I'm sure you're wondering what this has to do with you, correct?" Num shook his head yes and Carnage continued. " We need you to watch the others in the facility, and then report any suspicious happenings back to me." Num furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head slightly in confusion.

"If I may ask, sir," Num paused and Carnage nodded his head in agreement. "How would I report these "happenings" back to you?" Amusement flashed in his eyes as if the answer was obvious.

"I'll be dropping in about once a week, maybe less, maybe more, depending on what your conveying back to me, and how often these incidents are occurring. I understand this can be difficult because of how close people who live in the same facilities as one another get, but think of it this way, you're serving your honorable and respectable Elites." He smiled and something dark flashed in his eyes. Num's stomach lurched. "Can we count on you to tell us the truth under any and all circumstances?" Num had to think about that. Could he? Could he rat out anybody in the facility with him? They depended on one another, though nobody broke any rules that he was aware of- other than Number 9681 giving him his nickname- there was obviously something bigger than himself happening here. Did he have the courage to turn in someone he trusted, and who trusted him? What if Number 9681 got into some kind of trouble? Could he really bring himself to turn him in? His closest friend? Living under The Elite has always been the same. All the common folk lived in the same amount of prosperity, they all lived in houses identical to one another, so everything was equal- except for people like Num. Num's parents had died when he was very young, and- unfortunately so- he was forced to live in a facility with all the other orphans and petty criminals who weren't allowed the same rations and opportunities as those who were rule abiding citizens. For Num to ever really be treated the same as the upper common folk, he'd have to work his way up, any possible way he could. Everyone knew that, so nobody broke any rules. In fact, the majority of the criminals in the facility had only broken a law for their family- breaking into homes and stealing their rations, small stuff like that- and though Num knew it was wrong and shouldn't be excused, he couldn't help but sympathize for them. He was sure he'd do something similar in Number 9681 was in dire need of something. Although on the flip side of things, this was the opportunity of a lifetime, if he said yes, and everything went well, he would be provided a home, and he was sure he could get special permission for 9681 to come and live with him. Nobody in their right mind would turn something like this down. Num must have been quiet in thought for longer than he realized because Bruce spoke.

"I understand this is a huge responsibility, and I can tell by your face that you already know the benefits that can come from agreeing to these terms," Carnage stopped and winked at him. "We need you, can you help us?" We need you? Num was finished weighing the pros and cons, he was doing this, it was a amazing chance at a new life, a better life, so then- if that was true- why did he feel so wrong, so....guilty.

"It would be an honor to serve The Elite members, I fully and wholeheartedly agree to your terms." Bruce smiled and reached out his hand. Without hesitation Num took it, and shook firmly, hoping to hide his inner turmoil. Bruce turned and left, leaving Num alone with his thoughts. As he walked he did his best to convince himself that he was doing the right thing. He knew he was, but a part of him wouldn't stop contradicting him, doubting him. Frowning he replayed his conversation with Elite Carnage, and a spark of uneasiness nestled itself in the corner of his mind, taunting him, but dodging just out of reach before he could grab it. He quickly realized that the feeling was extremely familiar, comforting in the sense that it was always there. He found it strange that he had just now acknowledged it, but did his best to dismiss the thought, he had to concentrate on figuring out how he would even be able to- what had Carnage asked?- pretty much spy on people. He felt another twinge of guilt, but he pushed it away. He had no choice, Bruce had specifically said that The Elite 'needed him.' Num stopped in his tracks, astounded at the realization that hit him. Carnage had said they needed him, and in all the time he had taken trying to make up his mind, he had never stopped to think why it was that The Elite needed him, and him alone. Although Num knew it hadn't been on purpose, Carnage suggested something extremely dangerous, so dangerous that the price to pay was your life. He had inadvertently suggested that Num was different, special, and that was, above all the rules- of which there were very few anyway- the worst. Bruce had actually caused a huge chain reaction the minute he asked Num to speak with him. Num finally understood why he had felt the conflicting emotions, the fiery anger towards The Elite. Bruce had done the unthinkable, and he didn't even realize it- which Num planned to keep that way. The uneasiness that had once been nestled in the corner of his mind, dormant and unsuspecting, suddenly snaked it's way through his every thought, tying every confusing feeling and event together until it all made sense. And suddenly all the dark corners of his mind become vibrant with light, and every whispering voice telling him what was right and what was wrong diminished to silence, because now there was no doubt, because Num knew now what he had never dreamed could be possible, was true. Every moment that had been forcibly washed away was now brought back, and that was the most dangerous of all. No matter what happened now Num could never forget, whether he wanted to or not but above all things good and bad, confusing and sensible, crazy and logical was one thing. Num remembered.

A/N: Hello readers! It took forever- like 3 months forever- but I finally updated. Honestly I don't even know why it took so long based on the fact that it only took me like 2 days to write the actual chapter, some serious procrastination issues perhaps? Anyway, this chapter is kinda intense- yay?- so I really hope you enjoyed it, but it's also okay if you didn't, conflicting opinions are what make the world go round- and water and sunlight and various other things that are much more important to sustaining life on Earth. Speaking of which have you ever noticed that Earth without art is just eh? Think about that tonight when your lying in bed and can't sleep.

 Okay on a much more serious note, those of you who read my story THANK YOU SO MUCH! I haven't had anyone ever actually contact me with ideas or feedback but I would seriously appreciate it! If you have anything you want to say- even if as you're reading you notice a spelling or grammatical error and feel a strong impulse to correct it- DO IT. Seriously, just do it. Words to live by. Alright then, farewell 'till next chapter. 

With deep sorrow, and extreme pleasure.



Number 9656Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang