The Assignment

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Before I can congratulate you on making it to the end of the school year, I have one final project to assign my class. During this year we discussed many topics and read a few books about the lives of teenagers and what/who they find themselves to be able to relate to. The final project will reflect your understandings of all discussion topics we have had, as well as personal experiences you have had.

The Project Proposal 

The proposal is the first step to this project. In this proposal you must write one paragraph to me about who you are filming, what made you want to choose them as your subject, and what you hope to learn from them and about them.

The person you want to film must agree to being filmed and they cannot be from your meeting class or someone you know personally: friends and/or family. One of the points of this project is to learn about someone your age that you do not know anything about.

You will have one school week to get your proposal in. This project is the only work we will have in this class until the school year is complete. Please keep track of all due dates.

The Film

Your film must be at least 25 minutes long and no longer than 35 minutes. This is the most creative portion of your project. You are not just filming one day of a person's life. You will documenting multiple days and formulating a story about them.

We will have in-class days to work on this project in the computer and editing lab. You will learn how to edit out the following (and MUST edit out on your final project): anyone's faces that do not want to be identified, inappropriate language, and inappropriate gestures. Your films must keep at a PG-13 level so if you think or know something in your film that needs to be edited out, please ask me or take it out if you know it should be.

The Essay

The essay portion of this project is more of a reflection about your project and your overall proposal, the person you filmed, and yourself. The paper length requirement cannot be less than 3 pages and may not exceed 12. All usual requirements for essays in this all apply: font, size, headings, and multiple sources.

For the sources you may use any notes you've taken in this class, books you've read, interviews with the person/people in your film, other books or Internet articles. You must have at least 5 sources.

The in-class work days also apply to writing your essay.

The Presentation

The film and essay components are due by the 10th of April. There will be a sign-up sheet for when you will present your project to the class on my door on the 1st of May and 7:00AM. It will be first-come-first-serve so plan on coming early if you want to have a better chance at getting the date you want. If you do not sign-up on the sheet I will be choosing your presentation date for you.

On your presentation day please have this sheet along with a copy of your film. On the 10th of April, you will turn in your films and essays for grading and I will have them all graded by the 25th of April.

For the presentations the class will watch your film and then you will give a brief summary of what you feel like you have learned from doing this project. If you want to have a little Q&A afterwards you may.

This final project is worth 35% of your overall grade.

Be creative and have fun with this project!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2015 ⏰

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