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Hi all! {:

Thank you so much for the views on my first upload on here! Doesn't seem a lot, but it is to me! ♡

I just wanted to let you know that I JUST uploaded the first part to a new story I'm working on titled
"Best friends, and THAT'S all..."
Another Eddie fic😌

BUT it jumps STRAIGHT  into some tense sex scene
⚠Eddie smut⚠ 👀 soooo, do with that as you please😏

I'd appreciate if you'd check it out! And let me know what you think {: (if it's your type of thing of course♡  it's my first smut😶)

I'll be jumping back and forth between this story and my newest one!
Have a lovely day you beautiful people!

Over & out

MY freak...Eddie Munson Where stories live. Discover now