love story of 2 goldfish - 11/5/2022

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i wrote this with my friend (they are too embarrassed to show their name) for our english project in 8th grade, enjoy (i am well aware that this does not follow screenplay rules but idc)


Bright light enters the living room through the window, illuminating the room with a nostalgic radiance. Above the neatly-kept couch, and the generations of photo frames hung perpendicular against the freshly-painted wall, there sat a fishbowl on the edge of the highest shelf, dust collecting at its base.

The MALE GOLDFISH, middle-aged, and silver scales gleaming from the morning glow, watches over the living room with longing eyes. He drifts idly in his fishbowl, bubbles emitting from his round mouth as he purses his round lips.


INT. INSIDE THE FISHBOWL (into the fishbowl?)



I wish I had somebody.

The male goldfish turns to his patch of green seaweed below him, the clusters flowing slightly in the murky water. As he stared at the seaweed, their arms wavered dully.

The male goldfish continues to float leisurely in the water, with a dreamy, yet now disappointed gleam in his eyes. He glass surfs, dazed eyes seemingly searching for something he knows he won't find.


(impatient, rambling)

Is it really so hard to simply just have some freedom? I have nowhere else to go. I just want someone to sing me the scales, or take some notice, to give me, at least, THE FISH-EYE.

He dramatically turns around, only to reveal no one there. He sighs again. After days of relentless to-and-froing, it was nearing the last straw for him. He glides down to the gravel and lies down sideways, looking defeated.



Well, I guess it's just another day.


(sweetly, VO)

Well yeah, I guess it is.

The male goldfish scoffed.



I bet you have a perfect life, don't you? I- wait...

He then suddenly turns around, stunned. Eyes squinting at the image before him and realizing it wasn't only his brain entertaining him, but was reality, he remained frozen. It was someone else.

She was a breathtaking sight to look at. Her fins, dyed a blend of golden and citrus, cascaded behind her like sheets of fine, orange silk.

With striking eyes and a confident smirk, the FEMALE GOLDFISH stares at the male goldfish, and their eyes connect. She was him -- another fish, but somehow different...


(curiously, still surprised)

Who are you?

The female goldfish remains silent. She doesn't reply.

Her eyes twinkle with a hint of mischief in her eyes, and she starts circling around the male goldfish playfully.


(slightly frustrated)

Who are you? How did you get here?

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