Chakotay x Reader

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You had been a science officer on the Voyager for just over a year and you felt that yo needed to prove yourself. To do this you had the perfect opportunity to volunteer to go on an away mission to a planet and get a plant that could possibly help to make a medicine that could possibly cure all major illneses like cancer which took your mothers life.

You had been on the shuttle now for about an hour and were just entering the atmosphere when your engine failed. You had just enough time to send an emergency alert to Voyager. Little did you know that Chakotay had heard your paniced voice and was already rushing to get down to the trasporter room and beam down to your aid.

"Chakotay to Janeway, I am beaming down to help (Y/N) and see if she is injured and to what extent" Chakotay rushed out into his communicator. "Copy that be careful" Janeway responded. Just then Chakotay rushed into the transporter room and onto the pads. "One to beam down to the planet" he stated.

All you could hear was a ringing in your ears and your eyes were blurry. "What just happened" you thought as you started to feel the pain all over your body.

Chakotay beamed down just as you were waking up and he heard you groan. He turned around and saw the shuttle in peices amd you lying off to the side of the wreckage. As you opened your eyes once again the world was slightly less blurry and yoh saw a figure rushing over to you and kneel down. You spon recognized the figure as Chakotay the only person on Voyager that you actually liked and had a slight crush on.

"(Y/N) are you ok? What hurts? Can you move? " Chakotay fired at you ne question after the other. You just stared at him confused and in pain thinking to yourself "what just happened? " Once Chakotay didn't get an answer he knew that you were in nedd of medical care. " Chakotay to Voyager two to beam to medbay" he stated tryin to stay calm. Soon after the familiar feeling of the transporter beam surrounded you and Chakotay and in an instant you were in medbay. As soon a the doctor saw you he rushed over and in an instant you were swept away to be treated. Soon after you fell asleep or passed out you weren't sure. When you woke up once again you weren't in as much pain as before but still a little here and there but you were still in the medbay. Sitting next to you was a sleeping Chakotay. You gently reached up and touched his shoulder amd with that he jolted awake looking around alarmed bofore his gaze landed on you in bed awake. Catching you off guard he rushed over and captured your lips with his catching you off guard but you kissed back anyway. "I love you (Y/N) so much" he said and with that you fell asleep once again but this time happy and not in any pain.

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