ACT 1: PART 1: The Incident On Isla Sorna

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As the river flows, a plesiosaur neck is seen poking out of the water. A flock of free pteranodons land on the river rocks as a shot of the mountains is seen behind with a beautiful fog. As the bushes start rustling, a velociraptor jumps at a deer and starts ripping its tissues and bones off. A T-Rex which had been feeding on a dead ceratopsian comes face to face with the Spinosaurus as he hears a thud from the trees. As it starts ignoring the sound and goes back to eating, A tall, green eyed, red skinned, blood curdling Spinosaurus comes out of the foliage. It looked nothing like what InGen had created. It looked like someone else made this or something else...made this.

The Spinosaurus looks at the ceratopsian and starts roaring in an ear piercing screech in anger because the T-Rex was eating it's meal. It soon sprints towards the T-Rex biting into its neck. The T-Rex roars louder than a lion as it butts itself into a Boulder and sprains the Spinosaurus's jaw. The spinosaurus looks at the T-Rex in a revengeful glance and walks away doing a small roar. The T-Rex too goes back to snacking.

The camera pans out of the trees to show a view of the mountains as the sunlight shines bright and directly into the camera while a Pteranodon flys by.



It's June 13th, 2001. The bright sun shines on Ben as he walks into the tent in the dock of a few motorboats off the coast of Costa Rica.

"Uh- Buenos Diaz- uh- Enrique?" Said Ben.

"Ahhh welcome to my shop, friend. You don't have to speak Español, I'm fluent in English!" Said Enrique as he laughed.

"Oh, sorry. My bad. Uh- I actually came here to book a boat for my........ son and I. There's this island located 120 miles from the coast of Costa Rica. Isla Sorna. Island of sarcasm" said Ben as he got into a more serious tone as he spoke.

Enrique looked in terror and refused saying "Las Cinco Muertes?! Are you crazy??? No one EVER goes there. It's literally a death wish! There is no way I am going there. Not even Satan can make me go."

Ben knew that this would happen so he came prepared. Isla Sorna has quite a reputation for its past of causing unexplained deaths and even being rumored to have ancient reptiles, or dinosaurs there but Ben couldn't refuse Erics wish. He was thrilled and read about the island. He was just waiting for the moment on his 15th birthday to ask Ben to take him there. Ben had promised the kid to an Isla Sorna trip.

"I will not land on the island. I want just a tour around the safe perimeter of the island. I will pay you 60k US dollars for this trip. Make it promising" said Ben.

As Ben said that, Enrique's face turned into glee and turned around in a poker face. "I will take you there, but I would need at least 70k" demanded Enrique.

"60k" said Ben.

"65k" said Enrique

"Fine. Just make it good and memorable" said Ben while rolling his eyes and walking out of the tent.

"Crazy man" said Enrique laughing and nodding his head while counting all the cash on the table.


As billy teaches his co-worker how to find the difference between a bone and a stone while brushing the sand, Dr. Alan Grant arrives at the dig site from the company car.

(The classical piano version of the Jurassic Park theme plays as Alan steps out of the vehicle and turns around and takes off his hat while the wind blows on the cloudy day)

"Alan Grant!" Said billy in absolute glee and happiness as he walks to Alan shaking his hand.

"Quite the place you've got there" said Alan grant while smiling subtly.

"Yeah..thanks dr. Grant. We've just come back from fishing out a few herrarasaurus fossils. It's actually great" said billy laughing in joy and nervousness.

Alan fully smiled and put his head down while asking "you called me down for a reason. What is it?".

"You need to see this. Follow me" said Billy.

As Alan walks towards Billy's tent he notices the dig site pulling out velociraptor fossils. The nightmares never stopped. After the incident at Jurassic Park, even after seeing the beauty of these creatures. The raptors left him petrified and traumatized. He'd been on a life and death wireline where he could've had a 50/50 chance of dying and eaten by those creatures. He promised himself that he would never get involved with the raptors ever again.

As Grant walks into the tent, he notices billy pulling out a bone from his 3D printer. It's not just any bone, it's a raptor resonating chamber. Alan walks towards billy to get a closer look at it.

"We found this a week ago. The one we found was almost broken, so we decided to repair it by re-modeling the whole resonating chamber to match the discovered one. It's amazing how this technology works" billy said while smiling uncontrollably.

"Interesting" says Alan in pure hypnosis by the raptor chamber.

"I called you here since you knew about raptors. You could tell the world more about raptors by this resonating chamber. It's a game changer, Dr. Grant" said Billy looking at Alan in admiration.

"Look, Billy. I love your admiration and hope to see what's in the future and trying to shape it but the fact of the matter is... I've left working on raptors. I'm not on the field anymore and I'm not interested. It's scarring when you see those creatures up close and when they try to kill you" said Grant.

"Dr. Grant, I admire you work and I've been a fan since the starting of your first book. Please. Give me a chance to help you tell the story about this prehistoric life and educate masses. I'll be beyond happy." Asked Billy.

Alan looks at billy and says "I'll try."

Billy has a slight glow in his face.

"Jurassic Park was something I'd never want to visit again in my life, Billy. I would never let myself go there...I wouldn't let anyone go there". Said Alan Grant while looking out at the dig field through the tent window.

"I understand, Doctor. Good news for you, I'm not taking you there" said billy as he slightly laughed.

Both start snickering as he said that.


Both Eric and Ben circle round the island on the boat. Enrique looks around with his binoculars spotting an airplane in the sky. He wonders if anything bad would happen to it but nothing goes wrong. He looks around in slight concern and terror. He even orders his guys to speed the boat up.

"Here you go, my friend" said Enrique as he latched Eric and Ben's parachutes to the boat.

"Make sure you get as close as you can! I'll give you something extra if you make it a good trip!"

"I'm gonna get you close my friend but not to close, eh? You don't wanna be eaten" said Enrique in a sarcastic tone as he released the parachutes. "Ready, Amigos?"

"READY!!" said Ben and Eric in excitement. Enrique follows by releasing the parachutes.

Eric and Ben witness the beauty of the island. The landscape, the mountains, the fog and most importantly the beautiful air of the place made them smirk a little.

"You see anything?" Asked Eric.
"No not anything yet" replied Ben.

As the parachute wire started rolling more and more, the boat drives into thick fog on top of the ocean. When the boat comes out of the fog, there's no one on the boat.

"WE'RE GONNA CRASH! WE'RE GONNA CRASH!!" Screamed Eric in absolute terror as the boat headed towards a giant sea rock. He starts unbelting the parachute in panic. As both people panic and the belt finally unleashes itself, the boat crashes into the rock.

The two guys fly away into the island. "It's gonna be okay bud" said Ben as they curve into the mountains of Sorna.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2022 ⏰

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