chapter 2 :,-)

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      Adora and Kit were unpacking and laughing while on the phone with  Yazmin, Joe and Sebastian. The call just started so no one knew kit was over helping her unpack.

     "Adora who are you talking to?" Bash had questioned, looking concerned.

     "Kit, he came over to help me unpack a little bit." She spoke while trying to open a box. The guys where laughing at thing Adora where finding in boxes. There was a knock at her apartment door and. Kit went to get it.

     "Ummm Dor. There a unmark package for you." Kit handed Adora the package and she carefullyed opened it.

     "Kit I didn't order anything and I haven't been getting mail. It's all going the office, so I don't know where or who it's from." Adora had a scared look on her face. She had no clue what was inside so she was careful. One the box was open she shrieked.
" OH MY GOD! WHAT THE FUCKS THAT?" Adora scream. Sebastian looked confused at the screen seeing if he could see what was in side of it. Yazmin was grabbing her car keys to head over to help unpack and to see what was in the package. Joe was already driving over to come help and almost crashed when he heard the scream. Kit looked over in the box and started freaking out too. Adora hung up the call and started to cry. The item that  was in the box horrified her. With one look what was in the box she has suspicions on  who sent it and why it was there. The thought was  her ex-boyfriend, who probably sent it.

     In the box there was a bloody knife and a hand written note in it. "Kit what do we do? Should we call some one or something?" Adora spoke with fear in her voice. She was crying and and Kit was just hugging her, not sure what to do either. The box was still the bedroom loor and they were sitting in the living room.  The fact that her ex knew where she lived scared her to death. He had always swore if she broke up with him he would go insane and hurt someone. Clearly that part was true and not knowing what he was going to do next  scared her and that she knew she was next. Still freaking out a Joe was knocking at the door and that freaked her out more. Kit grabbed a bat that was sitting by the door and opened the door to find Joe. Kit dropped the bat and looked behind him.

"It's just Joe. We are all good." Kit gave her a thumbs up and relocked the door. At this point Adora had stopped crying and was now off the couch hugging Joe.

" So what's in the package?" Joe looked confused and concerned. "It's in her bedroom on the floor go look for your self if you want, I don't recommend it." Kit spoke while walking to the room with Joe. Adora ran to the kitchen and got a glass of water when there was another knock at the door. She walked to the door and looked through the peep hole and saw Yaz there. And she opened the door and hugged her. At this point Joe had walked back into the room and spoke. "Should we just start unpacking now and take care of it later."

A/n: I was watching NCIS while writing thissss soooooo Yeah enjoy new parts soon.

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