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I know, no one likes to read rules so I'll do my best to keep it brief and reasonable.

1) Have fun!

This isn't supposed to be stressful for anybody. Relax and don't be discouraged when people aren't reading your book. 

2) Inappropriate books are not allowed

This includes books centered around sex (erotica, etc.) and romanticizing abuse or criminal acts. Of course mature books are allowed (with proper warnings in the ad), but books centered around these topics or related ones are not allowed.

3) Please use the form when putting up an ad in the comments

This is not totally necessary and I'll let people go with warnings, however I find it is much easier to find books that you are interested in if all the information is neatly formatted.

4) Please don't start arguments with others

Be civil to each other and don't deliberately antagonize other people, especially if you're giving constructive criticism/feedback.

5) Tag a friend, or someone you look up to

Again, not very necessary but the more, the merrier. It'll also help get this book out there and there'll be more stories to read and more people to meet.

6) If you advertise a book, please read at least a chapter of another person's story

Another not-very-necessary rule, but it doesn't seem very fair to leave your book here and expect it to gain more views but not give any other books a chance. Even if just one chapter, that's still great! I encourage you to give feedback to the author as well but that is not required.

Again, this rule (rule 6) only applies to people who are advertising so if you're here to chat or find some books to read, you can safely ignore this rule.

7) Please don't spam your book's ad (just try not to spam any comment in general)

Self-explanatory. You'll clog up the comments sections if you do that and hide other people's ads. Please only post 1 ad for each genre. Advertising 1 book in 2 different genres IS allowed if the book fits into those genres.

Anndd... that's it! I have the final say in any disputes, but you can ask about the rules and if I feel like you made a good case, there is a chance for the rules to change.

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