Schnappter 5-IT

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After a couple more rounds we all got bored so we had the idea to watch ST so I can make fun of the babies that they were.

S1 ep1 omg Noah looked sooo small Millie looked like a boy and Finn. Well yea he did look like a frog.

It started raining so we decided to go out side..



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@noahschnapp <33
We came in soaking and dripping Sadie ran upstairs and grabbed us both towels everyone else was laughing their tits off. You spoke your British accent thicker than ever
'my god it was bloody freezing out there' I only just realised how British I sound. Even thought my dad isn't British I grew up in Britain and developed the accent the I am know for in my school.

I really hate Americans but with them it seems so different.


Me and gaten were hungry so we ordered pizza and I payed.

With Noah's money.
It was quite good we continued to watch it and as I thought everything was ok there was a jump scare i jumped and fell of the sofa face first. I got helped up and held with a strong grasp on my waist. I look up and I see Noah staring at me. I didn't move from the position it was quite comfortable.

All I heard was Sadie going

I heard everyone giggling at this. Not going to lie I found it quite funny too but after i told them all the and I quote 'shut the fuck up' they happily and quietly did. My god I do not miss home.

Even though I lived next door.

(Sorry for not uploading for a few days it's just schools been really hard at the moment but anyways 300 words <3)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2022 ⏰

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