Weird Calls Accompanying Weird Thoughts

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(Y/n) had gotten a call by a classic young girl crying after getting rejected, "Ma'am, I'd suggest to get your favorite ice cream and turn on the greatest movie of all time, Legally Blonde. Being rejected suck but it happens." The girl just goes on and on, on how she thought up the boy was truly in love with her, "Girly if he was truly in love with you, you wouldn't be crying now would you." That made the girl shut it, and then hang up.

(Y/n) hates people who were rejected for the first time, cause they just go on and on about love and how it failed them and yada yada. It's the same drill every time, it's head ache inducing. After a few minutes of sitting there waiting for the next call you decided to go on your phone, though it wasn't allowed

You were casually checking the news seeing the boring villain attempts, but one catches your eye. You don't see arson on the menu everyday, especially a blue fire arson. You had only read the first paragraph when you were caught off guard by the phone ringing.

"Hello, I'm (L/n) (Y/n). You've just been rejected, so I'm here to help." You said confidently into the microphone attached to your headset.

"Hi, I don't exactly know what my peers mean by rejection, so I called to learn more about it." Said a very monotone voice from the other side of the phone.

"Oh, uh. . . Okay, so, like, basically rejection is if like you ask someone out on a date but they say no, or when you ask someone to be your significant other but they don't want to be so they reject you. Y'know?" You were somewhat startled, so you replied not really knowing how to respond, but then you heard someone from the background,

"Guys! Todoroki actually called the rejection hotline!" Then You heard quick shuffling and then a few people running. "Hi, I'm Kaminari Denki! AH! I'm running from the guy I took the phone from."

You then heard a door slam and then someone locking it. "Uh, okay?" was all you responded with.

"Guys! I got Todoroki's phone, and I'm still on call with the rejection hotline girl!" You heard the triumphant Kaminari call out, then you heard a few chatters and someone saying,

"Put them on speaker!"

"What did Todoroki say?" What sounded like the Kaminari person questioned you.

"They asked what their peers ment by rejection." You stated to what you were assuming was a group, from the multitude of laughter you heard.

"I can't believe Todoroki actually called, I ment it as a joke!" A different voice was able to say through their own laughter. (Y/n) Kinda just sat there on the phone not really knowing what to do. Once the laughter calmed down more questions directed towards you started.

"Sorry, I'm Kirishima Erijiro! Who are you?" You heard a voice different from the frantic Kaminari you just spoke to.

"I'm (L/n) (Y/n)."

"A pretty name for an undoubtedly pretty girl." (Y/n) heard Kaminari flirt with her, everyone else also heard.

"Dunce Face! Stop flirting with random girls on the phone, no one wants to hear it!" Someone lashed out, presumably farther away from Kaminari and Kirishima.

"So, like. . . Can you guys hang up cause technically I'm not allowed to hang up." you said kinda awkwardly.

"I'll only hang up if I can get your phone number." Kaminari said to the girl who just wanted to go back to reading her news article, sadly that girl was you.

"1800-428-gosuck-adick." (Y/n) smugly said to the flirtatious phone thief, earning a laugh from the guy who told Kaminari to stop flirting with random girls. "So, can you hang up now?"

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