Chapter One

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Narrator's POV


"Welcome, everyone, to your first day of human school!" Luz announced.

"There are a few things you need to know. First, if you see food on the ground, DON'T EAT IT! This school is a dirt pit compared to Hexide. You'll definitely get sick. Second, if you see a fight, please don't engage. I don't want any of you to get hurt. Third, don't-" "We get it, Luz," Amity laughed. "I'm sorry," Luz sighed. "I guess I'm just worried about you guys. I mean, when I first came to Hexide, I had no clue what I was doing!" Luz sighs again, then stands up straight. "Well, we have a few minutes before the bell rings, so I guess a few more pointers wouldn't hurt..."

Hunter's POV


Willow looks over at me and giggles quietly. "I think Luz is a little too worried, don't you?"

"I-I-I, yes? No? Maybe? Is this a trick question?" What the hell? Why am I stuttering? I'm the Golden Guard for Titan's sake!  Willow laughs again. 

"Well, while you think about your answer, I'll see you in class", she says, and walks off. I suddenly feel like the sun just moved about 2 planets closer to the sun. 

"Hunter? Hunter? Earth to Hunteeerrrr!" Luz waves a hand in front of my face. "The bell just rang and you're the last person out here! Hurry up!"

I finally realize that the lot in front of the school is empty, and I had zoned out for a while. 

"Dude, are you feeling ok?" Luz asks. "You're as red as a tomato!"

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. Just a little nervous, that's all", I say. Wait- that didn't make sense. why would I be red if I'm nervous? I hope Luz didn't notice, but the look on her face says otherwise.

"Well, alright," she laughs. "Do you need help finding your homeroom?"

"No, it's fine," I mumble. "You gave us maps with our classes circled and labeled, remember?"

"Oh, right. Well, good luck!" Luz walks off.

I sigh, and head towards homeroom, also first period. Math with Mr. Bern. I hear footsteps, then Willow falls into step next to me. 

"Who do you have first?" she asks. 

"M-Mr Bern. Math," Damn it, stuttering AGAIN.

"Same!" she exclaims. "Do you know how to get there?"

Before I can answer, a guy, who seemed to appear out of nowhere, responded. 

"I have him too. I can lead you, if you'd like." Willow opens her mouth, but before she can say anything, the guy is leading her away, arm around her shoulders. She turns her head and mouths the word "sorry", before they both walk out of sight.  I can feel something rising in me. Heat. Rage. I feel like I want to strangle the dude. Grab him by his neck, and squeeze until-

Wait. What? Why am I thinking about unnecessary violence. I told myself I wouldn't harm anyone anymore, unless, of course, for self-defense. I sigh, and trudge toward class. At least I'll be able to sit with Willow. And with any luck, I won;t have to see that guy again.

Editors Note:

I am SO SO SO sorry for the long wait. I lost motivation, and then school started... I'll try and post more often. Please don't hate me  TwT  

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