The Beginnings

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We all read storys as kids but always say "that would never happen to me". Those storys tell how life will happen and though some parts may not be true, the premise behind them stands true. Heres what happened to me.

I was a kid living in a small blue home on the country side. That spring was so crisp out and so beautifully to see the red buds with there flowers blooming and all seemed well. I was in high school at this point and was going on my junior year. I was in my room with the bright lights from the school bus shining through the blinds. I bolted for the door just in time for me to see that old rust bucket drive off.

That day I had to walk the 7 miles to school across the beautiful fields of flowers and trees. I picked up a poppy from the field, it smelled like a a cool spring bonfire. It put me at ease, during my walk I passed the graves that scattered the fields, they always seemed to becan me and on this particular day I walked into the field. I saw moss covered tombs and a grave stone that was cut in half with the rumble scattered all around it. I sat on that grave stone that hadn't been loved in so many years. I sat there thinking about the day before, a kid at school, Olivia, shoved me onto the ground and spit on my hair. While I was contemplating what she had done I reached into my bag and grab the cold, smooth handle of my Makarov. I knew that she wouldn't mess with me if I could stand up to her. I always wanted to go out in glory and going out in a shoot out, I wasn't opposed to.

I raised the gun toward the beautiful red bud, right at its biggest flower which at this point in the season is about the size of my fist. I shot one round, with the casing rolling down the grave stone, clanging all the way down. I rose to look at the flower, it went through the top right pedal leaving a clean hole in the pedal. I'd show them.

I left the grave yard with a plan, I'd make her pay. When I got to the old brick building with half of the wall down that I call my school I saw the moss growing down. I knew I was late and knew that I might as well just get it over with. I pulled on my hood and walked in with my hands in my pockets holding the cold steal of my gun. Once I went around the fallen bricks all I knew I had to do was go in to my class and all my pain could end. When I got in there, it was dead silent, no one was there.

I then realized in that moment, yesterday had been the last day, my pain and suffering at this building was over for the summer. I walked out with a smile on my face and looked toward the sky, it was pitch black out and I didn't know how since it had only been nine in the morning when I got to the school. I started my walk home and I passed the tree i shot and I walked over to the graves again and when I got to the one that was destroyed, there was a single red poppy that had somehow fully grown. I realized I must have just missed it last time, I turned back toward the tree I had shot but when I looked at it the beautiful red flowers had withered to black.

I stood and started running back home but the whole way the flowers that I passed turned to darkness and the sky just kept getting darker and darker. When I got to my home it was in ruins, it had been hit by something or someone who did this to it. It looked as though it hadn't been lived in for years. I turned my back in disbelief, then my school bus came by again, this time there was a red poppy on the front. It stopped infront of me and I saw the door open and all at once I knew it was time...

The Red PoppyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon