Chapter 1

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"You know leaving isn't going to solve anything" Oliver says standing in a corner arms crossed

I pause from packing for a second and turn to him "Oliver we both know it's safer for me in central city I walk out of the door and people try to kill me" I yell at him flaling my arms then turn back to packing

"So your plan is to leave at 1am hope on a train and leave without saying goodbye to the team what about Thea and I mean where will you be staying"

"Oliver look I understand you're worried I get that I was worried about you every day for five years when you were in prison somewhere over in China ok I'm staying with Barry and I'll work at Star labs and it's for the best that you're the only one who knows where I am here are letters I wrote one for everyone on the team including you this is for the best" I say as I hand him the letters he looks at them

Then he sighs "I know it's for the best but you're still my sister you're going to be hours away and we both know it's to risky for you to call you have too many enemies and I blame that on my self"

"Why it's not you're fault"

"I left you when you needed me you were 16 and didn't know the first thing about relationships or the bad groups you could get caught up in im your older brother I was supposed to protect you"

"I was like that because I was looking for you I knew what I was getting into and I promise you I'll be fine" I tell him as I zip up the bag throw it over my shoulder and hug him "I'll be ok"

"You better be" he responds i smile then back away and cutch my trian I watch as everything goes by the city lights everything I lean against the window and start play some music

The first song that comes on is 'welcome to my life' it sums up my whole life "do you ever feel like breaking down do ever feel out of place like somehow you just don't belong and no one understands you do you ever want to run away..." shortly after that line I fall asleep not to wake again until the train stops what can I say I'm a light sleeper I throw my bag over my shoulder and very groggyly step out of the train and onto the station

"Olivia" I hear Barry say he's only seen me once and that was when Oliver took him to the prison I was at for help I also had brown hair then I dyed it blue so I'll be shocked if he reconzes me and I also know he's the flash Oliver told me

I walk to him and say "hi Barry it's been a while"

"Last time I saw you you were in stripes" he says studying me

"Yeah" I say shifting nervously left and right

"So you're STAR labs new weapons expert or more like police officer" he asks

"Something like that yeah" I say he nods his head then he takes me to his apartment

"Sorry I don't have two beds it's just a one room apartment you can sleep on the couch or I can or" I stop him

And say "it'll work Tell I get back on my feet"

"Oh I forgot I'm going to be late STAR labs just a giant building you can't miss it" then he runs out I sigh and start walking sure enough it's a giant building it's weird walking around no one knows me no one wants me dead I'm just another women in a leather jacket black t shirt ripped jeans tennie shoes and hair up in a ponytail walking down the street

I walk into STAR labs to see a man and a woman talking I'm not sure about what "hi I'm Olivia queen the new weapons expert or police officer as Barry calls it" I say nervously

"Hi I'm Catleyn snow" the woman says

"Hi I'm Cisco romon" the man says

I smile then ask "is there a pay phone around here"

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