Chapter 4

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"Why does your brother keep calling me" Barry asks

"I haven't call him in a few days" I respond

His phone goes off agian "look who's calling Oliver queen"

I snatch the phone and answer "Oliver I'm fine"

"Good so felicity to-"

I interrupt him "wait how does she know me and Barry are dating"

"You and Barry are what" he yells

"And you're mad"

"Yes I am let's see my sister is dating Barry this isn't a good mix"

"Oliver I'll be fine"

"No you won't" he starts yelling at me I hang up and hand Barry his phone back

"Don't pick up if he calls back" I say to him before I walk away

"So your brother doesn't sound happy about it" Catleyn says

"He just worry's about me Thea probably is to" I respond

8 years ago
I lay here in the alley way after shotting up "Olivia is that you" I hear Thea say I don't respond she neals next to me then says "don't throw your life away looking for him"

"It's to late for that Thea" I respond then pass out

"What are you working on" wells ask me

I roll my eyes and answer "I'm reading an article about new weapons that are apparently being built by the military to take out new enmeys and well it's talking about turning meta humans into weapons"

"Who is the article by" he asks

"I don't know it's anmous I'm sure if you ask Cisco he could tell you but I'm not a haker" I respond

"Somethings bothering you"

"Yes and it's none of your business" I respond

Right then barry runs in "a bomb went off I think it was a meta human"

"I'm on it" Cisco says "alright her name is Bette" then he pulls up a picture of her

"I know her" I say they all look at me

Then Barry asks "how" he then crosses his arms and gives me a look the one that makes me feel like he can see right through me

"Back when I was an addic one of the places I was shotting up at I heard screaming I was high and confused so like anyone in that situation I checked it out to see if I could get it to stop I followed the screaming to a door I opened it and when I did I saw her tied up with rope apparently that place has also been sex trafficking teens I helped her escape then went back in and pretended I was passed out and they never suspected me and it's because of her I got clean" i exsplain

"So why don't I take you with me maybe you can talk her down" he asks

"I'll go but I doubt she's going to reqonize me also don't tell Oliver he's already mad at me" I answer he then picks me up and race to her location she touches him

Then says "what ever you have on take it off" so he does and it was very aceord when he came back to the lab saying I had my arms wrapped around his chest right under his arms oh and did I mention that all he had on was boxers

"Do I want to know" Cisco asks as I quickly let go of Barry

"It's not what you're thinking" I respond as I sit down

"Ok so what happened to my suit" he then asks giveing Barry the death look

"It blew up"

"What do you mean it blew up"

"She planted a bomb on it and it went kaboom" I yell "that's what he meant" they all look at me then I say "sorry it's hard to believe that the 17 year old that was tied up can now create bombs at the touch of her hand" I sigh

"Ok that's it somehow your brother found my number and won't stop calling me can you please talk to him" Catleyn yell asks as she storms into the room

"No he's to mad right now just block him" I tell her

Then Bette walks in and says "I need help" Catleyn runs some tests on her

"You're the one who saved me that night" she says looking at me

"Yes" I respond

"How long have you been clean" she asks

"Just a little over 7 years but now I'm addicted to coffee and donuts" I respond

She laughs at that "I need to test her powers" Catleyn says

"Wait you want her to blow thing up" Cisco says

"I think it's a good idea how about you Olivia" wells asks looking at me as if for approval

"Why not" I respond then we all head to the track I stand there watching her when Barry comes behind me and wrap his arms around my waist i smile to my self

"Alright that enough for today" wells says we pack up and leave when we get back we find a tracker in her arm then the armey shows up they end up killing her and Barry had to drop her body in the middle of the ocean

When we get home he looks at me sad like he's going to break down I start playing aloud courtesy of the red white and blue by Toby Keith "American girls and American guys we'll always stand up and salute we'll always recognize when we see old glory flying there's a lot of man de-" he stops the song

Looks me in the eye then hands me his phone I smile at him "call Oliver please for all our sakes"

"Fair" i go to his contact and call him "Oliver I know you're mad bu-"

He stops me then says "it's ok it was just a lot are you sure you're ok"

"I'm fine" I tell him

"Good so how is Barry doing" he asks

"He's doing really good we both are he actually just made me call you so I don't think you should be mad at him" I say

"I'm not but if he hurts you in anyway I will kill him"

"He won't and Oliver do me a favor and don't go to jail"

He laughs then says "alright love you don't die and try not to go to jail"

"Love you too I'll try and I make no promises" and with that I hang up even though ever nerve in my body is telling me not to

"Are you ok" Barry asks as I hand him back his phone

"Somethings wrong with Oliver I don't know what"

"I'm sure it's nothing proply him just being the arrow"

"Yeah that's probably it" I say I then lay down in Barry's lab my head resting on the arm of the couch most of my body In his lap I look up at him and study his face

He looks down at me and put one arm under my back while the other holds my hand "you know you worry to much about them he's fine just like I am just like you are" I smile at him then end up going to sleep

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2022 ⏰

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