Ok ok fine

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As I promised from the title I present to you
Grass x reader
seem to mind much either way. I still am grass after all! But I feel... alive. So I'd appreciate if you'd stop standing on me.""Oh it's okay. No need to apologize. You didn't know. I didn't feel it until just a second ago either to be honest.""Hm. You seem to be getting smaller. Or rather... I'm getting taller? Woah! Is this what it's like to see at the height of a human? Look at that ant! It's so tiny and I never knew. Oops I touched the grass. That's what I used to be... What if its alive too? How did I come alive in the first place?""Best not worry about that. Babies don't know where they come from for the first few years of their life, and yet they're happy to be alive. Say you, tell me. What do I look like? Do I pass as human to you?""Yes you do.""Why are you making that face? Do I frighten you? I mean... it is kind of odd, I do admit. To suddenly gain consciousnesses, sprout as tall as the average male, taller than you, speak perfect English to you, and have an above average understanding of the world, it must be overwhelming. I apologize.""Yeah...""Hey wait. Why are you backing away? Do I scare you that much? I don't mean to. You're the first person to ever see me, so I admit it's still a bit awkward. Hey,"The window shows my reflection? The only part still green is my hair. Oh. I see. Unlike grass, humans usually wear clothes. How did I not notice before? Clothes clothes clothes. Where to get some from? The store? I can't buy clothes there without clothes! I will do as cavemen do. Ah yes my master creation...Pelvic bush."Hello? Can you come back outside? I've seen the error in my ways and would like to try again. Explaining my natural green hair would be difficult. You see, I don't think many other people would believe I just sprouted from the grass. But you, you were there so you have to believe me. Just come outside so we can talk. Please.""No need to sound like a desperate ex. The neighbors will hear. Come inside will you? The door was unlocked the whole time""I never thought to try it. Say, do you think every piece of grass could be considered my siblings? Does that make the dirt beneath my parents?""You ask a lot of questions. Curiosity killed the cat.""Well, aren't you curious too? I mean after all, saying I'm an unnatural phenomenon may be an understatement.""How much is a piece of grass? Were you but a mere blade? A few blades? The whole patch?""That's more like it. Though, I cannot answer your question. I wasn't sentient when I was grass, so I have no way of knowing things only grass would know.""What's your name?""I- I don't have a name do I? Then do I just create one? You're kind of putting me on the spot. Can I have more time to think about it? Grass is fine for now.""Then that's fine. I'm (y/n).""You don't seem like the judgmental type.""Oh? How can you tell? Is it perhaps the talking grass I have standing in my room?""Ah well. It seems I've gained consciousness at the perfect time. You won't turn me in to the government for a hefty sum of money so that they can run experiments on me will you?""Oh course not. They'd rather charge me for drug possession or put me in a mental institution for swearing I saw you sprout from the ground.""Aw, it's not because of my calm and refreshing nature as— well, nature?""If anything you cause nothing but chaos.""I've done no such thing.""What are my parents going to say when they see you?""Parents? You still live with them?""Yes... this house doesn't just belong to me.""I see. Well, maybe I can become one with the grass once again."_________"Rainbows sugar, and metal brass, please become one with the grass!""It doesn't seem to be working.""No it doesn't.""Before I sit up, does my hair blend in with the grass?""Perfectly.""Nice! Say, you said you live with your parents, but where are they? It's getting kind of late.""Out of town.""How convenient that is for the plot.""Ah yes, the world as we know it has come to revolve around the talking grass.""I don't very much appreciate your sarcasm.""Can we go back inside, it's starting to get cold.""Cold? I don't really feel anything, but sure.""Preesh.""Maybe in some ways, I still am more grass than human. After all, the  only thing about me that is human is my physical appearance. I have no idea if I have blood or not. Only one way to find out.""H-HEY!""My apologies. Did I frighten you again? I did something so suddenly, it must have worried you. But see, I'm okay. The knife did nothing but make a little scratch, and it doesn't hurt, nor is it bleeding, (y/n)

Nope never again

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