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She lay in a padded cell. Laughing hysterically, rocking back and forth. Arms tightly cupped around her legs. She was no longer happy and bright, always positive and smiling. No, now she laughed like a mad woman. Releasing painful screams into the darkness of the night. She was damaged beyond repair, and it was thought that nobody could help her. Numerous visitors came to see her, coaxing her to eat and make conversation, but she only hummed their voices away. No longer was she smiling with true happiness. After all, they had left her. Nobody came to her rescue until the rebellion was almost finished. By then it was too late. A new Effie Trinket had surfaced to reality. One who had no will to live, and no possible joy left in her wilted body. She was tortured a treacherous amount, because secrets were wanted. Secrets that she had no answers to, but still suffered the consequences. Nobody believed her, and why would they? She was significantly close to a few main pieces of the rebellion. Haymitch Abernathy thought that keeping the secrets from her was the best way to ensure her protection. Only he couldn't have been more wrong. She was hurt mentally and physically. She was turned into a numbed soul. He was the only one who could heal her, and he threw his chance away the minute he saw the bottle. He drained many, got so absorbed with the power of the liquor he was sent to the hospital, nearly killed himself. What was left of the nation was scarred beings. Ones who had lived through and seen far too much.

Now every time he visited her she fixated her vision on a point far off into the distance. He mentioned one wrong thing and it would throw her off balance. Arms flailing, screams, tears, and calming medication. She would sit for days in her grey room. On a land far off between reality and dreams. The land of morphling, began to be her permanent home. The only place that the doctors thought that she would be able to live was a medical escape land brought to her through drugs. She was just another person the Capitol had ruined.

She caught glimpses of the girl in the screen of a private, government issued television, singing songs. Mentally insane. The two of them weren't too different in reality. Both had lives ahead of them. Both were caught up in the games, both were ruined by the nation and both of them were forever bruised. They were sick in a way that no amount of healing could ever repair. Both of these girls had a man in their lives that at one point had left them.

He told her not to worry, that he would be back in a couple of hours. He lied. A single arrow from a bow hitting a surface of a force field, and she was taken into custody. They beat her to a bloody pulp to get secrets of her rebellious friends that she could not produce. Everyone had her deemed as someone much too fragile to hold their secrets. She ended up being a lot stronger than what they imagined. She should have died, but she didn't. She held out until the end, until they finally came to her aid.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2013 ⏰

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