Chapter Three - Getting to Know Louis and Niall

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Later that afternoon, while Zayn is taking a nap and the other boys in the back room playing video games, Louis whispers in your ear.

“I was thinking,” he says, “since you’re going to be staying with us for a while, you’re going to need some more clothes.  I can take you shopping if you want.”

“Oh, Louis, I’d love that, but … I can’t let you buy me a whole new wardrobe,” you say.

“Aw, come on.  I’ve got loads to spend,” he says, chuckling.

“But what about the others?” you ask.

“We’ll sneak out of here and come back before they even notice.  They’ll never know.”

“Well, okay,” you say, smiling.

“Okay, let’s go.” 

You walk down the sidewalk with Louis in his sunglasses so it would be harder for people to recognize him.  Soon Louis stops.

“Here it is,” he says.

“What?  This place is like … for celebrities!”

“I am a celebrity, aren’t I?” Louis chuckles. 

Inside, you gasp at the marble flooring, the chandeliers and the red velvet lining the walls.

“See anything you like?” Louis asks.

The next moment you’re running over to a section in the store filled with the best looking outfits you’ve ever seen.

“Ooh, I like that one!” Louis says, pointing at one you were looking at.  “That would look great on you!”

You continue to walk around the section with Louis wandering behind.  You decide to pick out only a few, so you don’t make Louis pay any more than he has to.  You find a really cute outfit and look at its price tag.  You’re expecting it to maybe be only about twenty dollars, but your jaw drops when you realize it’s way over a hundred dollars! 

“How about these?” Louis asks.

You turn around and examine the two outfits he’s holding up by their hangers. 

“I like them!” you say. 

You look at the price tags and they’re even more expensive than the one you were looking at.

“Okay, I’ll get these two, and then did you want that one?” he asks, pointing to the one he noticed you eyeing.

“Yes, but—Louis … these are way too expensive!  These will cost you almost two thousand dollars!”

“Ah, that’s not much.  Besides, I’m happy to do it for you!  Anything else you want?”

“No, this is enou…” your voice trails off when you see this gorgeous pair of shoes.

Louis notices you looking at them and grabs them. 

“Thanks Louis,” you say.

Unexpectedly, without any warning, Louis gives you a little kiss on the cheek.

“No problem,” he says, smiling.

You giggle to yourself as you follow him to the checkout counter.

Back at the bus, you and Louis enter quietly.  You both hope they didn’t notice you gone. 

“There you guys are!” Liam says.

Louis gives you an “oh no” look.

“Where have you been?” Harry asks with concern on his face.

(BOOK 1) Stuck On 1D's Bus! - A One Direction Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now